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Posts posted by amangielangomat

  1. So, it is my understanding that the admonition is to only be whispered from person to person and to never be written down. I have been in the OA since 1997 but I had never heard about the Jumpstart program until recently. I havent been as active as I really want to be but I moved for work and the area I live is not that active, so... I do not have a current edition to of the OA handbook and I really want to see what the jumpstart program is all about. I will PM a few of you to see if you can help me out.


    After reading more about the program, my understanding is it is a way for arrowmen, that are new to the OA, to get more information on how to get involved. I think this is a awesome idea, seeing when I was a youth we had problems keeping members active, mostly because they didn't know what to do. If you don't have a book and you are willing to get this far trying to get onto the site, then maybe talking with you Lodge Chief or advisor about how to get involved will be the best way.


    Yours in the

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