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Posts posted by frogger921

  1. Madkins 007 - in regards to the letter, was it sent certified? That sounds like the best plan. I spoke w/ our UC and they are going to handle this situation with a meeting involving them and the committee which I would like to avoid if at all possible. I want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers w/this situation. It has weighed on me like a ton of bricks. The thought of a child being harmed in any way is heart breaking to me.

  2. Tweaking things like one achievement that is for cooking w/your family. Instead of doing this at home we had a christmas party and the boys each made something at my house and we had a great time. Killing two birds with one stone :o). A lot of the achievements are done "as a family". But we turned it into a den meeting and involved the whole family. Another achievement was Making Choices. These were to be discussed with family members and you write down their answers. Instead we held a den meeting with a sheriff, who happened to be a father of one of the boys, and we answered the questions together. If the boys had more questions they could be answered by the sheriff. That's what I meant by tweaked. We involved the family in the den meeting.

  3. I was a new wolf leader last year when my son moved up from tigers. Our pack requires all parents to be at all den meetings, pack meetings etc., but it's up to the den and/or pack.We are Boy Scout of America not Babysitters of America...... Some of the achievements you can work into a den meeting, but a lot of them are family oriented. However they all can be tweeked to fit the den. If you talk to the parents in the beginning and let them know that things that their child may do in school, church or at home will also count towards his rank it may go a lot smoother. Arrow points do not carry over to bear. They will earn a new gold arrow point and silver arrow points in the bear program. I had such a great time with my wolves! Just get trained and have fun!!!

  4. Start small- phone calls, clean up, making copies etc. As our DE explained it at our graduation (we have the same few people doing everything in our pack as well) "One person could not possibly eat a 20ft sub by themselves in one sitting, but if you had each person take a small bite or two it could get done." Don't be afraid to ask the "busy" people, they get things done quicker because of limited time. Instead of waiting for someone to offer help, be direct in what you want and need. Good Luck!

  5. Last year my wolf den created a den flag with our den number on it and every boy in the den had their name on it. (they had velcro on them so they could be removed/added as needed) It also has all of the ribbons our den has won at district events. The boys got a kick out of seeing there ribbons on our flag at each pack meeting. We will carry the flag over to this year.

  6. Yes she is a registered assistant leader. The leader application was signed off by our then Cubmaster and I believe the UC. It stated on her application, where they ask if you have a criminal record, the charges and reasons. The application was sent down to Council and we heard nothing from them as to it being a problem. She was listed on our re-charter info as being a leader so apparently council thought nothing of it. Hind sight is unfortunately 20/20 but the child is most of the issue. My thoughts are that council needs to get involved to remove the child and family. Maybe flag this child & mother's name to not accept them into any other pack without disclosing the reasons why due to confidentiality. I know that our pack is going to end up having to take care of this, but we still need council to back this up in regards to not letting this child be in another pack with other children. Unfortunately I am learning that our Council is laid back to the point of laziness.

  7. This was the first year for this family into our pack. We have already discussed with them about better supervision of their child but it is not being done. The leaders are watching this kid to avoid any potential issues until we hear back from council. I like the camping out on the doorstep idea! The problem with our CO is that they are never involved regardless of what we try to do. There has been a number of times where we tried to set up a meeting between the CO, DE, UC & myself to discuss what a CO's responsibilities are towards us and ours towards them. They refused to meet with us. - That's a whole other topic discussion...... Thank you for all of this great advice, it's nice to hear that we are not expected to handle this situation alone as previously thought. This problem has been wearing on me for the last week.

  8. I am the CC for this Pack w/the problem.This leader came to me the night she found out and told me what had happened.He had also been molested when he was younger by another child.I spoke to her about getting help for him and she blew me off. DCF was contacted as well as a police report filed to get this child help.As far as the camping trip is concerned, the parents of both children were spoken to but it was more of the reaction that happened as to why everyone is upset. The UC is well aware of the issues, and we were advised to contact our DE. I have spoken w/him as well as a written letter. Still no response. As far as the criminal record, she caught her husband (ex now) in bed w/her best friend. She went after the best friend and was arrested and charged w/assault. We let her through because another leader who had been w/us for 3 years lives two doors down and was friends w/her. Unfortunately there was more to her story then any of us knew. Basically YP protects children when an incident happens inside BSA, however my job as a leader and parent is to protect all children with me and I cannot due to this problem. I have been told by our UC that council will more than likely not step in........... there is our dilema.

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