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Posts posted by FargoNDSR

  1. I have been to training and have even taught the course. The original reason for my question is because I am preparing a session for our POW WOW about building a strong Pack Parent Committee. In doing my research, I ended on this (http://www.usscouts.org/cubscouts/cspack.asp) website and that's where I encountered the voting member business. I had never even heard of it before, therefore my question. Is this just someone's interpretation of how Scouting should work or is it based in fact. My feeling is every parent should have a say in how the pack runs, building a team for the good of the program.

  2. Thank you Dean Rx and Buffalo Skipper for your replies. Unfortunately, I cannot find this answer in the Cub Scout Leader Book. Could you point me to the page that says this? I am looking at 33221 (2007 printing). Sorry to be such a pest but this situation requires a here it is in writing solution.

  3. Does anyone know about the "voting members" of the Pack Committee? I was told that not all parents who attend the meeting are voting members and that the Cubmaster is not a voting members. Can anyone shed any light on this or show me where in an official BSA publication I can find the correct information?(This message has been edited by FargoNDSR)

  4. I am new to the Forum and have some questions about Cub Scout Leader Training. I live in a rural area and am a member of the Training Team for the District. Lots of times I will be the only trainer and have five participants for the course. Has anyone created a one training fits all for use in this situation? Thank you for any help.

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