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Posts posted by Erizona

  1. cjmiam:

    "You have concluded that because I want accurate numbers that I think dropping the morals of the Scouting program is the right thing to do? Ya know, you really need to take a logical reasoning course. If you cant understand that this poll was specifically designed for members of the Boy Scouts of America, inherent by the mere wording of the question, I dont think there is any more point in arguing."



    So let me get this straight.

    You're calling all who voted liars? Is this correct?


    I would like to point out to you that I became a Life Scout in 1977. My Dad was a Scout Master and I've been involved with scouting since I joined the Cub Scouts in 1968.


    All of my boys are in scouting and until yesterday I had never heard of this board.


    It was my impressions from what I was told, that you were taking a pole of all you could find who were involved scouting either as a parent or scout.

    When I forwarded the e-mail that directed me to this pole I made sure that I told all those I was e-mailing that they should only vote once and only if somehow involved with scouting.


    I didn't know that you only wanted your personal little clique.


    I apologize for offending you and will never take another of your poles.





    PS I am greatful for being shown this site and will continue to visit it but to participate if fixed poles... well, don't look for me.

  2. I'd like to here you views on this subject.


    I personally believe that the values taught in the Bibles of both the Jews and Christians are one and the same in respect to the values taught by the BSA.


    I believe that our country was founded on good Godly principles (YAHWEH's), as I also believe that Scouting was too.


    What do you think and why?


  3. cjmiam


    I thank God that I was informed of this pole.

    Being clandestine in an attempt to push an issue through is bush league.


    Most conservative peoples mind their own business and don't seek out garbage poles like this one but when informed of them we jump on them like white on rice.


    As stated in my previous post, I have three boys involved in scouting. Take those three and my Life long commitment to scouting and you have FOUR people who would have voted on this pole.

    You only received one as I have honored the pledge.


    Most American men have been scouts and I wouldn't have heard of this pole had a brother scout not told me about it.


    We are a network of good, decent, people and we will not allow a bunch of bleeding heart liberals to slip an agenda past us without you knowing where we stand.


    There are more of us than you and in a democracy, at least for now, majority rules. Something the scouts used to teach.


    You can bet that I will inform all I find of this pole. You contact all your homo friends who were or are scouts and have them post and we'll see who wins out k?


    Folks, the agenda of the homosexual community is to abolish any forum or institution that teaches good decent values.

    Scouting is in the forefront of this endeavor of teaching good decent values and must not succumb to the wiles of perverts seeking to molest little boys.


    If you are a boy and confused about your sexuality know, ALL boys suffer the same confussion when they are going through puberty. You don't need some pervert trying to influience you into thinking you are a homosexual.

  4. Being a Life Scout for over twenty years and having three boys involved with scouting I wouldn't hesitate to yank my boys out of scouting if the BSA allowed perverts (homosexuals, child-molesters and kind) to become "leaders."


    I worked hard to achieve the level of Life and my boys are working hard.


    I wasn't distracted by some twink trying to do me and I don't want my sons and their friends to be either.


    To date I have been very pleased with the stance the scouts have taken and like millions of others have increased my donations.


    Look at it this way. If you all "DIS" the parents of the scouts and allow perverts into the ranks of scouting you'll have NO scouts to lead.


    Homosexuals don't have children unless they were fathers in their past and since less that 1% of our population is homosexual and even fewer father children much less boys, they would NEVER provide enough new recruits to replace the scouts that would leave.


    To continue to consider this issue is a waste of time not to mention, very disconcerting.


    Scouting isn't a Political forum. It is a venue to teach boys how to be men... Not homosexuals.



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