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Posts posted by elizdaddio

  1. Thank you all for your input. It has helped me out a great deal. I have passed your ideas onto the parent who approached me about replacing the CC. I like the idea of the parent/leader meeting. I think this could have the potential for being a valuable tool for any troop. I took some of your suggestions of the meeting to the parent along with the idea to contact our UC or council to provide a mediator. My son loves the guys in his troop. He has come up with many of them all the way through Cubs. Although, he is terribly frustrated with the fact that the troop never camps, hikes or participates in outdoor activites. He feels like we did more in Webelos then he does now. We'll try the meeting first in the hopes that some cooperative refocusing can happen. If that fails, then unfortunately, some very difficult decisions have to be made on the part of our family. As you can see from my previous posts, this has gone on for too long and the burden really has caused too much stress on our family, which it really shouldn't. Thank you all again, and I'll keep you posted.

  2. What can a parent or group of parents do when they are dissatisfied with the job that their SM and CC are doing? The real frustration is with the CC. I don't really want to get into all of the specifics, but the choices the CC and SM are making have not given our boys the best scouting experience possible. Some have even gone against BSA policy. Several Committee members wish to replace the CC. Can anyone tell me what the process is for replacing a CC? My second question is, our troop has an annual steak dinner. The troop provides, cooks and serves the dinner. The CO opens it's bar at that time and sells drinks to adults who are having dinner. My family and several other families have boycotted the dinner due to the sale of alcohol. The SM insists that it's alright since "it's technically a CO function". My opinion is that if scouts are there, in full uniform, hosting a fundraiser dinner, it's a troop function and should therefore not condone the sale of alcohol! Does anyone know the BSA policy on this? The troop receives money from the dinner but not the bar. This is not a case of a few disgruntled parents. I am a leader in the troop as well. I've grown up in scouting and have a deep passion for the scouting experience. I have had meeting after meeting with the CC and was basically told "Some things will never change" and to "stop being so critical of the troop!" It's not the troop that I'm critical of, it's the lack of leadership and true scouting these boys are missing. What we've learned is that as long as they are in power, nothing will change. I wish it was as simple as leaving the troop. My son has built strong relationships with his patrol and worries about what will happen to them if he leaves. There are no other suitable units in our town either. What we want is to fix the one we have. My family and I, as well as the rest of the concerned parents are dedicated to make this troop an the boys experience, something they will always look back on with fond memories. As of right now, I'm the only parent/leader that has grown up in scouting. The others have no idea what scouting is supposed to truly be about. I'm not looking for criticism from others about how difficult it is to be a SM. I would jump at the chance if it was opened to me! Our SM has been with the troop for over 30 years.In his eyes, this is HIS troop. He only comes to meetings and those are chaos at best. Our calendar only can go 2-3 months ahead because he can't handle anything else. We've tried to take burdens off his shoulders, but he feels the need to control EVERYTHING, including the checkbook. The CC is one of his former Eagles and he protects the SM with a vengeance. My concern has been to show these boys what scouting is truly about. My son has only pitched his tent a couple times in the past 2 years. The troop version of "camping" is to stay indoors at our CO, eat ice cream and watch movies. Our COR passed away and we have no replacement. What I/we are looking for is some REAL suggestions. We feel that we have no choice except to remove the CC from his position so we can implement some real, positive change. Please help. From what I've read, you all have a great deal of experience and insight. We truly could use your help right now. Thanks so much!

  3. Thank You All so much for the replies. You've given me a lot of useful and insightful information to ponder. I'm at the point now that I REALLY want to make this troop work. Many of you asked for clarification so, I'll do my best. The troop was started over 30 years ago. The SM who started the troop is still the current SM. In his mind, this is "His Troop". He has a great deal of knowledge about scouting although he was never a scout himself. I feel he genuinely loves the troop, hence why he's still there. The CC is one of his former Eagle Scouts, who's son is currently in the planning stages of his Eagle Project. He is VERY protective of the SM. If you have an issue, you need to speak with him, not the SM. This makes the situation VERY tense. The Asst. SM's son is also in the planning stage for his Eagle Project as well. Both boys will have their Eagle within the year. My wife and I have already had several meetings with the CC and the Asst.SM regarding our concerns. Their response has been a lot of promises with virtually no follow through or support. Our concerns range from things such as no real outings, to more serious things such as alchohol being sold by our CO at scout fundraisers. Although a few families boycotted the fundraiser this year, because of the alchohol, the event still continues. When I've brought up my concerns to the leaders, I was informed by the CC that I was being too "critical" of the troop. I am the "unofficial" Chartered Organization Representative, which provides me with virtually no "pull". Due to lack of leaders, I'm the recently drafted COR, and a CM. The current leadership has no plans in the future to leave, so in essence, I'm in a bind. As long as the CC and SM are in charge, I firmly believe that things will remain the way they are. They haven't been open to any new ideas and don't seem interested in changing at all. Last year, the SPL wanted to go to the council Klondike Derby and brought his request to the Committee. The SM denied the request because they haven't had enough "winter camping experience". I asked the SM "How are they going to get experience if they aren't allowed to do anything?" The SM informed me that it was his decision and it was final...end of story. The kids always enjoy the events that we do have. We get together about every 3 months for the troop version of an "outing". Who wouldn't like ice cream and movies while sleeping indoors? My sixth grade students do that same thing every weekend! Most of the parents don't seem to mind because their kids are having "fun". Unfortunately most of the parents have no experience with what scouting is supposed to be, so they have no reason to be upset. Since most of the boys joined scouting, these events are all they've known. When we joined a year and a half ago, there were 8 boys. Last year, my wife and I took on the job of recruitment. We planned open houses and get-togethers for the packs and troop. We now have about 20 boys in 2 patrols with one group desginated as the "leadership patrol" which consists of 3 boys of higher rank who used to be PL or APL. As of now, there has never been a PLC to plan events. Until now, all events have been planned, at the last minute, by the CC and Asst. SM with the approval of the SM. The SM never attends overnights due to health concerns. The CC truly is the acting SM although the SM still has final say over everything. Neither the SM or CC see anything wrong with the way the troop exists now. Unfortunately, neither do most of the parents since they have no idea what their boys are missing in the real world of scouting. Myself, another frustrated leader (another CM) and a parent are taking our sons and a group of scouts on an outing this weekend to try to show them what scouting is supposed to be. It is an international camporee, so here's hoping. This event was literally planned without the approval of the SM or CC. I don't want the troop to be like this and I don't want my son's, or any other boy's scouting experience to be this. So, I guess I'll ask a couple of more questions; How can I handle a situation where the SM and CC want little or no change? How can I show the other parents what scouting is supposed to be? Should I involve the council at this point? I have been in contact with the council and a local organization about starting a new troop. Both have been very receptive, but the idea of leaving this troop sickens me. I need to make this work. Some have suggested training. I've taken every training I can fit into my schedule, but nothing has prepared me for this. I hope this offers more insight into my dilemna. Any further suggestions would again be most appreciated. I've read every one everyone has sent me, repeatedly. Please keep 'em comin'and I'll keep you posted. Thanks! - Elizdaddio

  4. Hi All,

    I have an issue and I'm looking for any suggestions about how to handle this tactfully. My son crossed over to a troop over a year and a half ago. We thought we were making the right choice, especially with the exciting scouting experiences we were promised.

    I grew up in scouting and have been fortunate enough to have traveled both nationally and internationally through scouting. Most of my childhood was spent in the outdoors thanks to my scouting experience. My son had a great cub scouting experience and was very excited about Boy Scouts.

    My disappointment with our current situation arises from the simple fact that our troop simply doesn't do much of anything. In the past year and a half, my son has set up a tent only three times and has only cooked outside once. As a troop, we go to only 2 campouts a year, one of which is summer camp. Majority of our "campouts" are held indoors, where the boys end up watching movies and eating ice cream. I've brought my concerns to the scoutmasters and the committee, to little avail. I have served with the troop the since my son crossed over, as both a committee member and "unofficial" asst. scoutmaster. All I want is the best scouting experience for my son and the other scouts. Transferring to another troop in our town is unfortunately not an option. Other parents along with myself have volunteered to take kids on overnights elsewhere, to only be told "no" by the current leadership. We do not have a unit commissioner at this time. I've even gone as far as to contact my council about starting a new troop. I guess the questions I have are; Has anyone ever experienced anything like this before? How have you dealt with this type of situation? Has anyone started a new troop? I have a group who would like to serve as our chartered organization, but I want to make sure I'm not going from the frying pan into the furnace. Any helpful suggestions or comments would be great. Thanks!

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