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Everything posted by Eagle2000

  1. "I do my own recruiting including flyers and yard signs," - Basementdweller Why complain about spending thousands of your own dollars on things like flyers and signs when the council produces those? If you would participate in council or district level recruiting events, you wouldn't have to pay for the materials yourself. You can't spend your own money unnecessarily and then complain that you spent it. You say in one thread that you never have complained to your DE, commissioner or others. Then you say that you have talked to your DE a handful of times and yet, he doesn't even know
  2. There's a knot for this? Seems like a knot that's less common then. I don't think I've ever seen one on anybody.
  3. That's what figured. Either that or set up speeches for volunteer recruitment.
  4. So are you only available to do speeches for the Speakers Bank if you're asked to? You can't set them up yourself?
  5. Are professionals normally registered in the Speaker's Bank database? Professionals give a lot of talks and presentations about the program so it seems only natural but as a new DE, my council hasn't mentioned it to me. Any thoughts?
  6. What kind of awards can DEs be eligible for? Obviously it can't be anything that is done as part of the normal job but if a DE goes above and beyond for his district, can he get the District Award of Merit? Can DEs be recognized for conservation efforts in the council with a William T. Hornaday Award? I know about the Professional Training Award but I'm talking more about awards that people normally receive as volunteers. Any help here?
  7. Thanks for the help guys. He got the job and starts next week!
  8. BadenP: Thanks for your input. When you say "from my experience", do you mean from your experience participating in the selection of DEs or from an interview you had while being selected as a DE?
  9. Thanks for your opinion. We both feel really good about his chances. I'm not sure who SWEETPEA is but we aren't from MS. :-)
  10. "(About that dinner - seems very strange to invite one's spouse and children to an interview event, especially with a very young child in tow.)" That's what I was thinking. Sounds like it's less of an interview event and more of a confirmation of the offer. I'm crossing my fingers but I think he already has it, pending the approval of the volunteers.
  11. Hello everyone. I'm using my husband's account here to ask a question. He has interviewed in person once for a DE position and then a week later via Skype for a second interview since we're several hours away from the council. Now they have invited us to drive back to the council a second time for a dinner meeting with the key volunteers. During one of the phone calls my husband was told to be prepared to accept an offer. They have also invited me and our 9 month old to the dinner because they want to meet us too. It sounds to me like he has already been selected and we're just going to the di
  12. Thanks everyone for the replies. Does the BSA pay any mileage to professionals?
  13. Thanks everyone for the replies. This info helps a lot. I read somewhere that part of that DE knot is to complete 5 of 8 training programs (like Wood badge or National Camp School). What are the 8 programs? I have completed National Camp School before to be an aquatics director. Does that count or does it have to be completed while a DE? Thanks again!
  14. Hello everyone. I am currently being considered for a DE position. I'm wondering what the training process is for a new DE. I've heard that to be fully trained takes three years but I don't know the details. Do I go straight to Texas for training before I take on any responsibilities? How long am I there and what am I doing there? How often do I have to return to Texas? Any information you guys can provide would be great. Thanks!
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