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About dutch

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    Junior Member
  1. My son is getting ready to go on a weekend outing this coming weekend with his troop. He will be the cook for the weekend meals. In this particular troop the menu is planned at the Monday meeting. On Thursday night the Scoutmaster comes to the home of the boy that has the cooking duties and takes him grocery shopping for the food and to get everything organized for the outing. The real problem is that he does this as a 1 on 1 basis. Just the scotmaster and the boy. When asked about this the scoutmaster replies that scouting policy says that 2 adults must be present but "he has never paid
  2. This is my first post to any of the topic boards in the forum. I have been reading the message boards for several months and realize that there are lots of "wise and knowledgeable" scouters here. I hope the wisdom of this forum can help my son and I make the right decision in our scouting future. The following is quite long but hope you can tolerate my venting of dissapointment and frustration. My son is a 12 year old that started scouting around 6 months ago. The troop he joined was the same troop that the last 3 groups of Webelos from his school had joined. We seemed to think that knowi
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