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Posts posted by DTop

  1. On the other hand I've had park rangers tell me that the troop I was with at Gettysburgh were "the most polite and well mannered group of boys" they'd seen. Now the boys were doing nothing else other than what we always required of them at camp and Troop meetings. That was a very good feeling. We shared the comments with the boys and congratulated them. One of the boys asked me what they did that caused the rangers to say that. I just told him it was just the way they acted toward each other and to strangers.

    The point is that the boys will live up to the expectations that their leaders hold them to whether high or low.

  2. Hi David and welcome. It's nice to see someone from back home here. I used to with Pack and Troop 6 in Lowell for a number of years. I haven't seen that list your looking for but it sounds interesting.


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