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Posts posted by DeadPhan

  1. Hello all! I am new here. I am about to head out on a road trip this summer and me and some friends are planning on camping out quite alot. Throughout the years ive bought flimsy grills, even when under the assumption I had something of decent quality. I do however remember these rigs that the Scout leaders would break out on camping trips when I was younger and in scouts. I remember those things doing great. Every where I look Im pointed in the direction of coleman or the like which i know is a decent product but i remember these things looking professional and no matter how bad the wind was they got pots of water boiling and whatnot. So I figured of all places to ask this would hopefuly have a decent turnout of good responses of places to look around as i dont know what brand to look and find myself looking all day at different things not realy knowing what might be better than another. Anyone with firsthand experience with a particular brand and can share that would be great! Well, either way, thanks for reading! =) take care!

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