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Posts posted by adamhansen

  1. Interesting to see the comments. I'm actually an Assistant Scout Master. We have 3 boys still in our program. We're in a interesting area in town and the activity of the boys is directly influenced by their parents. I find it interesting that people ask about what I did with the money for the scouts. Join our troop and find out I guess. I would suggest the people that criticize that portion of it make a donation to the Friends of Scouting and then come talk to me. Have a troop where none of the boys can afford the stuff needed to complete the scouting requirements for Eagle, then come talk to me. Have a wife with a major illness and be told you'll never have kids, then come talk to me. If it were me personally, I would want to get the full story. The badge, I placed it there by mistake a while ago. It was of no fault to DOND. I sent an old picture of me in the uniform just before the show. I wonder, what if I had been on the show as a normal person and then made a big donation to the Friends of scouting. What if I gave a good chunk of the change to a friends charity who was diagnosed with ALS at the age of 22. What about a humanitarian fund that reaches all around the world in terms of relief. What would be the comments on the board then? I guess the good news is that it's up to me what I do with it. Thanks for the insight though, I still dont know what to think of it all.

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