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Posts posted by adamdrew

  1. I find myself in a perdicament here, and I hope there is someone out there that can direct me to some affordable help. I would like to own a pair of scout shorts. That's the basic need. I have three criteria that I am quite particular on that makes my quest a bit of a challenge. I am tall, I am female, I am cheap. (hey! I'm a scouter, threfore I'm on a budget!)


    I need knee-length shorts,the BSA does not sell long enough shorts. (prefrer inseam 13")

    I have hips, 42", and a waist, 36".

    I dont want to pay $45 for new womens pants that need to be altered, but I am willing to work on a pair of men's pants (or women's) if I can find some used and worn that will 'give' to my female conture. :)

    Our community does not favor "full uniform" as the standard, so I have not been able to find a uniform bank or thrift store with scout pants available. Once someone buys/inviests in a pair, because they are true Scouters, they hold onto them for dear life.


    I am open for advise...



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