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Posts posted by cindelicato

  1. ==Along this topic, I am hearing that there are going to be new uniforms in the next couple of years, which will kind of take away the eBay option, for those wishing to stay current.==


    The only hint of that is my Council's Scout Shop will have a 2-for-1 sale on Switchback pants beginning April 15. Guess they're going out of style now.

  2. I found this thread because, like the first poster, I found for the first time "Made in China" on uniforms this afternoon.



    I fully understand the need to follow Capitalism, but here's the question: if the uniforms are cheaper to make and ship from overseas, why hasn't the price come down? The prices charged are what the market will bear, for sure, and as such lower costs overseas makes sense (even if it means less jobs here at home).


    So when do we, the consumer, reap the savings?



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