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Posts posted by acheadle

  1. There is plenty of room on the new shirts, the picture is deceiving. The one and ONLY case where this might hold true is on a Youth Small Shirt, which the average Scout Shop might sell 2 in a year.


    As for the Custom Numerals with Veteran Bars. Plans are still being developed, and National Supply is currently reorganizing the entire Custom Design Department. Have some patience, it's not the end of the world. As always there's going to be a few hiccups when introducing anything new into the market.

  2. If anyone has ordered the new NESA Eagle Knot through Supply (i.e. Local Council Scout Shops, National Scout Shops, scoutstuff.org, etc..) expect delays. The knots that were originally released were found to be defective and has been sent back to production. Not exactly sure when it will be "re-released".


    If you were lucky enough to receive one of these defective knots, it's not going to kill you. It's just slightly oversized. =)

  3. To clear up some miscommunication the new uniform will NOT be available until August 15th (That's the third Friday in August).


    In several places I've seen it mentioned that it will be released August 1st or early August, that is INCORRECT. So if you were to visit your Local Scout Shop on August 1st in hopes of buying the new uniform you will be sadly informed to return in 2 weeks for your purchase.


    I know it's not really that big of a deal but TRUST ME I know scouters who will be rushing into the stores on August 1st in hopes of seeing/purchasing the new uniform because they read about it on a blog. =)

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