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Posts posted by HethSlaton

  1. Thanks so much everyone! They attended their crossover campout and one prior to crossover where they prepared the meals and did good with cutting the veggies, hobo meals etc.


    I should’ve clarified this campout isn’t a traditional campout. Our district is putting on a camporee type event for a Friday night and Saturday night. The dining hall won’t be serving meals and the troops have specific scheduled events they’ll be doing that the district coordinates.

    We basically will setup camp and be responsible for meals between their activities so they need to be able to fix them quickly and clean up as well to be back to their events that they’re participating in. 

    It will be our recent crossovers and just a few of the older boys, so I want to make sure it’s something they can do that’s still camp cooking for outdoor skills they need to learn, but not so complicated that they miss out on the events they’re doing with other troops.

    one of the older boys going along is a troop instructor so he does have enough knowledge to help them through most of it so we intend to step back as much as we can.

    with this being mine and my husbands  first event as any sort of adult leadership/help, I just want to make sure we don’t short change them in any way.

  2. Good Morning! I am new here (and to BSA).


    My husband was a scout as a boy but thats been many years ago, so we are new to BSA. Our triplets joined cubs as AOL’s and just crossed over. We are in the process of becoming adult leaders to help where needed.


    we’ve got an event coming up in a few weeks where we’ve been asked to help plan the menu, grocery shop etc for our kids (about 15 scouts and 4-5 adults). 10 of the kids are AOL crossovers so they are new to camp cooking and our experience as a family has been one where I do a lot of the camp cooking when we camp, so I’m looking for ideas to come up with for the patrol to cook mostly independently with the Troop Guide.

    Ideally ideas that are fairly quick and easy cleanup as the kids have daytime events to make it back and forth from on the campout so we don’t want them missing scheduled events because their cooking and cleanup takes out of the scheduled activities.

    I’ve got a lot of recipes we do on our personal campouts that require the browning of meat, and it probably sounds like a dumb question, but what is the best way to allow the 10-11 year old crossovers do this safely as well as disposal of the grease too afterwards? I just want to make sure we do it right, especially since this is our first event as leaders, we don’t want to steer them wrong.




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