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Posts posted by Cindy121

  1. Magic is a card game kind of lime dungeons and dragons of old.  The gist of a draft is that scouts buy in to play and leave with winnings.  Score more points,  bigger prize at end.  Most leave with token packs of more magic cards.  My town has businesses that run these for profit.  Was hoping for something to stop the payment/profit part of playing a game on a scout outting.

  2. I am new to scouting leadership.  A group of parents want to allow the SPL to charge fellow scouts $ to participate in a "Magic Draft" while on a Troop camping outing.  I am very uncomfortable about this on many levels.  One:  Our scouts often can't afford the low price for each event already.  Two:  based on the cost sited, it appears the SPL may be making some money at the event.  Does anyone know by-laws or rules pertaining to this sort of thing within the BSA?  Input on your opinions is also appreciated.

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