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Posts posted by swmwshrk

  1. I did IOLS last year My patrol leader was an 18 year old Eagle. He had no idea what a Patrol Leaders job was or how to do it. I ended up taking over for him. One of the competitions was knot tying relay race s. This Eagle scout said he would tie the square knot since it was the only Knot he knew. He tied it wrong costing us the race.


    If a boy scout has a part time job as a chef he still has to earn the cooking merit badge. How about a boy scout who is elected to his town council or works as a lifeguard, or at a car dealership. They still have to EARN CITIZENSHIP IN THE COMMUNITY, LIFESAVING, AND SALESMANSHIP they aren't just given to these boys. As adult leaders why do we think things should be given to us for past accomplishments.


    A scout is obedient. If he needs IOLS for the position take IOLS.

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