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Posts posted by wildweasel

  1. It's Mr. WW, but ww will do. It is really difficult, I've found, to find the CP outside of the agreement, because they have the full support of the local council. Apart from having documented illegal or immoral activities ... there is little a troop can do. Just not being trustworthy, loyal, helpful ... isn't enough unless you have a letter stating that "we, as the CP, are no longer going to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful ... ". Circumstances are not sufficient.


    The CP, without warning, discussion, complaint ... anything, days before recharter was due, suspended the troop in a explaination free letter to the boys and parents, pending a reorganization and fired the SM and a handful of commitee members. Not asked them to leave - registered letter removed immediately. No explaination of what the problem was, what they want changed or anything. Out of the blue, "which is their right". Trustworthy, loyal, helpful ...? not even a little. Not a shining example of the BSA Law to our scouts, who have had their scout lives, activities and events yanked out from under them with no explaination.


    All within the rights of the CP. But not a CP I want to be involved with any longer.



  2. VinceC: Thanks. Seems to be no form, or at least a letter will do.


    John-in-KC: Yes. Yes. Yes, all are involved. But the more important question of why? Not to be addressed here. The short answer is that a coup took place, unprovoked, unexpected, unwarranted ... Our side of the story will be compelling, that we were wronged, the CP is stealing a program and assets from the boys. The CP side? ... no one really knows and the CP isn't talking (change is essential blah blah blah). Arguing it here wont change anything, especially the situation we find ourselves in.


    Bob White will parrot (that was humor ... Bob White (quail)...parrot) that the CP is entirely within their right and he is correct. Sad that the CP can act so outside the Boy Scout law (remember trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind ?, a church and pastor, no less) and so lose sight that it is a BOY scout troop, not a CP troop yet still be lily white in the eyes of BSA (as all CPs are). But that is the organization we chose to be in and we play by their rules. The closer you are to the boys, the less the rules are for you, it seems. That would mean the boys are at the bottom of that continuum.


    So the only question is the mechanics. We are *asking* our release, not expecting it but feeling the need to at least ask before proceeding to other options. Let my people go. Never asked, never answered.


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