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What if

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Posts posted by What if

  1. Scouters:

    Rarely, do you see or comprehend that Wilderness First Aid is taught in Florida. After many hurricanes or any type of natural disaster, Help is Delayed. Our emergency response, & shelters were limited. Scouting can provide service to others in the backcountry, wilderness or during these natural disasters.

    With the American Red Cross National Provider Agreement, I would encourage your council to follow through to help scouters become instructors on all levels. The Venturing Program will benefit.

    I am very proud that I just finished instructing my first Wildrness First Aid class. The program and materials need to be updated. With support from our local chapter, we have been informed , there will be new course updates later this year.

    Encourage your Council Commissioner to have an Ast.

    Council Commissioner for Health & Safety. Networking key information helps the units with education, preparation, and overall safety.

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