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Posts posted by WB62

  1. I used to talk with my dad at some length about this. I have earnd my Woodbadge beads and I proudly wear them in an effort to get others in my Troop trained. I wear my Eagle, Arrow of Light and my Adult Leader Training knots and leave it at that.


    I would ask my dad ... you've done it all, there are really no other awards for you to earn, why the plain uniform? He just never said it appealled to him to put everything on the uniform.


    He is still on the National Finance Committee. He doesn't wear his uniform much anymore. When he does, he only has the purple World Crest emblem and a Council Patch.


    He only wears his 4 Woodbadge beads ..... I think those meant the most to him.


    Here's the stuff he doesn't mention ... (I will because I am kind of proud of him. He's been doing this since the 60's)


    Life Scout

    Vigil Member of the Order of the Arrow


    Member, National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America

    National Cub Scout Chairman

    International Commissioner

    Vice Chairman of the World Scout Committee

    Woodbadge Course Director and Co-Author of the Previous Woodbadge Course

    Recipient of the Silver Beaver, Silver Antelope, and the Silver Buffalo, Scoutings highest commendation

    Recipient of the Bronze Wolf, the only award made by the World Scout Committee



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