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Posts posted by birdhunter1971

  1. Thanks GW, but the patches are a little to big to put on the regular uniform pocket and the guide does not show where to put these patches, they are official BSA patches and only the one states Historic Trails on it and the other does not.

  2. I hope someone is still reading this thread because I have a question about placement of some very special patches on the Jack Shirt that I earned in 1994 as an Assistant Scout Master while I was stationed overseas. Those 2 patches are the BSA/Tranatlantic Council D-Day 50 Anniversary patch and the Omaha Beach-Normandy Historic Trail patch which were earned during a service (cleaned and repaired the beaches) project that the BSA in Europe did a few months before the actual anniversary celebration (it was personal due to the fact my grandfather hit Utah Beach).


    The patches are not big enough to put just one on the back of the shirt. The main reason that I ask is in the uniform guide it still states that a leader's uniform should not be over decorated; I am also military and I worry about setting the example myself, although what others do with what I always thought was basically a patch display item is not something that I would do since I like to follow the guidelines, yes I know that they are just guidelines (hard to break military customs and courtisies).


    The subsequint trips that the BSA makes out there are now called the Normandy Camporee, and I dont see any guidance for Historic Trail or Camporee patches on the Jack Sirt.


    I have just gotten back into scouting (my son is a Cub now) and was going to set my Jack Shirt up with all my patches (about 6 or 7 on it now but growing again) any help and guidance would be much appreciated.


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