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Posts posted by schooley117

  1. All this talk about bringing back community strips will never happen.

    Now with the council shoulder patches everyone in the council wears the same thing and I doubt it will change.

    Take into account the National Scout Jamboree for instance.

    Most councils even make custom strips just for that purpose.

    If we went back to community strips just think about how much money they would use and about the scouts (not Scouters) who take such joy in trading JSPs or CSPs.

  2. I read the earlier posts about the sleeve pocket being for an ipod/mp3 player and I think that that was just talk. It can be used to hold a compass, small pens, small clip knife, or other things. As far as using it for ipods go well I have an ipod I listen to during transport and I just won't put the idea into the scouts heads of putting an ipod in the side pocket. If no one suggests it to them it may not take on cause ipods would detract from meetings.



  3. Hi, this is my first post. I am an assistant scoutmaster in SC and 20 years old so my question might just be one of ignorance.


    I was wondering what the difference is between "Adult Classic Fit" and "Adult Relaxed Fit"? I have never seen this before in scout pants and I am confused about it.

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