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Posts posted by rbell583

  1. Dear Scouters,


    We have a unique opportunity to bring a well deserved spotlight on the Scouting program. Absolutely free POSITIVE publicity. I've entered a contest called "Name Your Dream Assignment", this contest allows photographers to choose their dream project and others can vote on it. The winner gets funding for the project as well as some prizes from the sponsors in order to produce the project. My Dream Assignment is called "100 Years of Service to America". I'm not doing this for any personal gain, I'm doing it because I believe in Scouting and I think a good portion of America has no idea what our young men do. I aim to change that.


    All I am asking is that you contribute 5 minutes of your time to register and vote for my project. Vote for Scouting. I'll need at least 500 votes to make it in to the final round of judging so please make sure you vote. I'm told the comments also play a role in the final raking so please be sure leave a comment too. Please forward this email to anyone you can think of that supports raising young men of character whether they're involved in Scouting or not. If you have friends in other Councils, or even other states I need their help too.


    I've included a copy of my proposal below the voting instructions.


    Thank You,


    Robert Bell


    My Dream Assignment is here:





    To vote, all you need to do is:

    1. Go to http://www.nameyourdreamassignment.com/accounts/register/

    2. Complete the short registration form

    3. Check your email and login to your account

    4. come back to the link above and Click yellow PIC IT button.


    What do CIA Director Robert Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Steve Fossett, Neil Armstong and Hank Aaron have in common? They were all Eagle Scouts.


    Boy Scouts of America have been a part of the back bone of America for almost 100 years. Not only has Scouting been actively instilling basic life virtues like Loyalty, Courtesy, Bravery, and Reverence, but the list of Boy Scouts that have gone on in their lives to represent our Country both Nationally and Internationally is a long list of Whos Who in the United States.


    Through 2 World Wars, 16 Presidents, the Admission of 4 States into the Union along with 4 changes to the American flag, the Boy Scouts of America has produced a few of the major leaders along the way from Presidents to Quarterbacks, Astronauts to Senators. The Boy Scouts of America has been there to hold the flag up high while they brought home our dead soldiers from combat, buried our Presidents, placed American Flags on all the grave sites during Memorial Day, and we still help the occasional little old lady cross the street and into her car with her groceries.


    Less than 1.5 million boys have reached Eagle in over 90 years (15,000 a year, roughly). Only 2-5 in 100 that joins Scouts make Eagle--that's less than 1% of the male population. On the road to Eagle these young men have volunteered millions of hours of service to their communities.


    2010 is the 100th Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America. I will interview and photograph notable Scouts young and old across the United States, to bring awareness to the tremendous good these boys do. My project will document 100 years of their service and their journey along the Scout trail. From the youngest Cub Scout to the oldest Eagle; from your next door neighbor to your Governor each of these has a unique story to tell about how being a Boy Scout has changed them and their communities.

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