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Posts posted by Plumber1

  1. I just found this site and I'm Psyched already.


    One thing that I haven't seen mentioned here is the effect of the elevation on the hikers. I am from Colorado Springs (6800 Ft.) and went DOWN to Philmont last year. Our trekers had done lots of hikes with packs but they were in only average condition. When we hit Philmont our guys felt like supermen because they outhiked guys from the flatlands. The reason was we are used to the lack of oxygen!


    I can't stress just DOING IT to get in shape for the Double H. Walk, Hike, bike...any and everything to get your legs and lungs in shape. Whomever mentioned doing both Cardio & strength conditiong was 100% right. A 45 - 50 pound pack weighs about 100 pounds by the end of a long hike, uphill all the way. (or so it seemed to me ;-)


    The other thing is that it is high AND DRY. If you are from a humid place then the dryness may mess with your sinuses. You need to stress hydration with your crews.


    Good luck to all. We just got our notification for '05. I look foward to your post trek posts for any info we can glean.



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