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Posts posted by PJPN2000

  1. In our council the past few years we

    have started a merit badge mentoring

    program for our summer camp. The

    mentors are adult merit badge

    counselors who provide guidance and

    resources in their area of expertise.

    Our summer camp is made up of

    several subcamps and their was some

    concern about making sure the merit

    badge material was being covered

    thoroughly and consistently through

    out all of camp. The actual mentoring takes place during staff

    training week and starts with a

    breakfast and deviding of the staff

    up by areas to then work with the

    volunteer mentors for those areas.

    For Example: Aquatics, Ecology,

    Scoutcraft, Shooting Sports etc.

    The mentoring also involves former

    staff volunteering to mentor the new

    staff. In my experience someone

    under 18 can teach a merit badge as

    well or better than some adults.

    They get real good at it as the summer progresses along.

    The camp staff are all provided with

    a folder with the current merit badge

    requirements, previous course syllibi

    and a blank syllibi to taylor to their own schedule. A big part of

    our role as mentors is to offer

    encouragement, resources and handouts

    and to share teaching methods, ideas

    and props.

    I usually will visit the staff that

    I helped mentor earlier in the summer

    when my Troop is in camp. They really appreciate the extra help with

    the merit badge sessions and also

    constructive praise or critisism on

    their efforts. This summer I had a

    staff counselor Thank me for making

    his classes this summer a fun and

    rewarding experience. He really

    appreciated some additional handouts

    that were sent up to camp as the

    summer progressed along.

    You should always monitor the merit

    badge classes that your Scouts have

    signed up for and make sure the

    requirements and material along with

    additional outside class requirements

    are being followed up on by your Scouts. For example: Astronomy - Are

    they observing the night sky and are

    the conditions clear for viewing the

    night sky. If not then those Scouts

    should end up with a partial in

    Astronomy merit badge.

    I hope this helps with improving

    merit badge standards at your summer

    camps for next year. Your camp

    director needs to support this effort

    along with having area directors 18

    or older to sign the actual merit badge cards for the underage counselors in their areas.

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