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Posts posted by jyoklavich

  1. God, you guys are great. What a support team.


    I am peave over the "Old Fat Guy" comments. Lets make something very clear. The first year(98) my son was in scouts, I was the Asst. Scoutmaster for a troop that was only 34 that grew to 67 in one month, with my son one of the 23 new scouts. The Scoutmaster at another troop, put me in charge of the 23 new scouts, by the next years summer camp (15months later) 20 of the 23 were First Class. I worked with 5 other adults, today out of the 23, 8 are Eagles in 6 years later. 2 years ago, we moved to a closer troop, but I took a District role.


    In addition, I was District Camporee Chairman for 2 years organizing over 800 people to a great event. Do not assume I am a loud mouth that does nothing, I am a loud mouth that is deadicated in scouting. I love it.


    As for the others, and everyone that has commented in this process. My wife, son and daughter and I are leaving Friday for a "High Adventure". The wife said, I had spent too much traveling to great places and this was the year she wanted to do something. We will be at the bottom of the Grand Caynon this coming Saturday, heading down the rapids for 4 days, then VEGAS. I was hoping before this event, my son would have gotten his SCM. But, as the last person said, and I agree, its time for DAD and Son to reflect. What a great idea and a great time to do it...


    Bless you all,


  2. I have received call from all parties to assure me that the paperwork problem has been resolved. Less than 48 hours after the SMC. I can tell many people with concerns of this process made every effort to fix it. Specially, Joseph Eagle Shepard which call me this morning to assure me that my son will pass on Monday, and that Joseph is a fine scout. We will see on Monday.


    In the mean time, I must reflect and say I think the biggest problem could be me. There are several in our SM Corp, that I do not think likes me. Hell, I am totally frustrated by the length of time this process has taken. I have accussed people of not giving a damn to within my troop. That has a terrible backlash, but I do think most troop have people that are in the control, and you can not say anything bad about them else receive the rath of hell back at you. That will reflect on how they treat your son too.


    So, I am going to stay back, but I think the damage is done with my political ties to this troop. As soon as the process is over and he does get his SM complete, and BOR.... I not going to let the door hit me in the butt on the way out. Thats it, its over with me and scouts. I might attend a few campouts, but this experience I do not wish on anyone.


    If you are in a troop, and you are part of the inside group that is in control, remember others have the right to give opinions...


    EVERYONE, THanks for your Support, it has been a wealth of healing through the Eagle process.


  3. After several months, my son had his Eagle SCM last night. He was in front of 4 Scoutmaster. I was out of town. He was asked to come back. I email the SCM and asked "What Happened"


    His reply was : "We found errors in the paper work. Advancements said one date and merit

    badge cards said another. Would have been caught at council. Will corect and resume scoutmaster conference. Joe does not know his first

    class skills!!"




    I have emailed the District Advancement Chairman with :

    During the Eagle Scout Master Conference, can a boy fail if he does not know 100% his Tenderfoot, Secound Class, and First Class skills ? Can the Scout Master continue to ask for follow up conference(s) until he ace's these skills ?


    Is this in compliance with National Boy Scout Policy for a Scout Master Conference.


    Please keep this email content between you and me for right now. I respect and look forward to your thoughts and comments.


    I will keep this discussion forum informed, I encourage you to continue to give your insight and help. YOu have been a great support team.





  4. I thank all of you for your support. At this time my son is finishing up with his finals in school this week.

    Next week, he will fill out the paperwork (yes, paperwork with this troop) to have his Scoutmaster Conference. I know he will spend some time reviewing the Scout Book, which I think is good. I will help him on anything he thinks I need to review with him.


    ON another note, I attended the Troop Committee Meeting. At the end of the meeting, I raised the issue that I wanted to Troop Committee re-emphasize that they are following BSA Policy and Procedures. The Troop Committee emphatically looked at me and said this Troop follows the BSA Policy and Procedures 100%. I only made the statement, let make sure our Scout Master Corp understands the basic procedures for Advancement.


    Now, if my son goes to these gentlemen, and does not pass ( which I still think there is a small chance), then I will raise some holly hell. But, on the otherhand, if he pass (which I am sure he will) then after I know that he has gotten his Eagle BOR, and all the paperwork is Absolutly done, complete, and in solid stone. Then, I will make it a point, that NO other scout has to be TEST in the matter our scouts have gone through to get Eagle. At that point, I have nothing to lose.




  5. I think all of you have helped me out here. I weigh the political benifits, and approach the committee chairman and district rep at the right time.


    At the same time, I am sure he will pass regardless, I just dont want to risk his eagle with this jerks. So I will make the right call at the right time...


    Regardless, I will rip this troop a new one once I can ultimately confirm my son's eagle rank and confirmation... then, I will do what is right. I firmly believe NO scout should have to go through this process and feel he has to prove himself again.


    Yours in Scouting and In DEBT to all of you.

    Joseph SR.

  6. Ok, The scoutmaster told my son last night. We will review everything from the "Trail to Eagle".

    Tenderfoot to FirstClass. Another Asst. Scoutmaster gave him an example, by asking some detail orrienteering questions. Grilled him pretty hard.


    Right Now, my son has to play the game of this troop. But this does not sound correct or right...


    I wish there where guidelines from National that set the standard and rule on what is exactly to be expected. What everyone has posted on this discussion forum, sound like our SM are wrong.


    I need solid, hard core written information from the National Scout Office... any documents... Can anyone point me in the right direction. Im sure he can get through this, but if I had hard documents, then I would feel better...


    I am on a polictical tight rope, with my Son Eagle rank at risk, and knowing what is right and wrong

  7. My Son has accomplished a lot in the 6 years he has been in scouting. He is up for his ScoutMaster conference and becomed scared.


    According to the Scoutmaster and other scouts, he will be required to meet with the Scoutmaster and 2 other Asst. "die hard" Scoutmaster for his conference. They will review and test him on everything in the scout book from Tenderfoot to First class.


    I thought the SM Conf was for reflection, and review what was accomplished from Life to Eagle. Special reviewing his Eagle project.


    Is there a hard fast BSA policy that states what the Eagle Scout Master Conference should be like. Preferably, any guidlines you can point me to. My son feel he is about to go on FACE THE NATION.

    Your Thoughts,



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