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Posts posted by ihawkeye00

  1. One more story to pass along. I had a first year scout at summer camp that could not pass the swim test, so consequently he had to stay in the shallow end of the pool all week long and take beginner lessons. He was quite frustrated but it also motivated him. After camp he enrolled in swim lessons and the following year at camp he not only passed the swim test but he also earned his swimming merit badge. I even had one of my older scouts volunteer and help the young scout learn his sidestroke. It was a wonderful experience for everyone, especially for me to see Scouts make a difference in boys lives.



  2. Chippewa29,

    This is my first post but, I have been a long time reader and I have picked up a wealth of information and help from reading everyone elses posts.

    In regards to 'how much time does it take?' I agree with OldGreyEagle, 'as long as it takes'. But as far as parents or other leaders griping at the boys for their lack of performance, they are way off base. I have told my parents and leaders that our Troop is supposed to be a "safe place" for the boys to "fail", then we help guide them through their failures to a successful next time. And I did say help guide them not do it for them.


    It sounds to me like you are on the right track.

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