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Posts posted by Amandeux2

  1. Our staff had the ability to laugh at everything. It rained the entire first weekend (10+) inches and everyone's gear had to be taken to local laundry mats to be dried. The second weekend started with rain and flash flood warnings, and the entire day's schedule was shot. Through it all they laughed and joked about which plan they were on. By the time the rain stopped on the 2nd weekend, they made it through alternate plan F or G.


    The other big thing that was really memorable was the patrol spirit. You never knew when you'd hear something about fearing the tail (Beavers), whisteling from the Foxes, etc.

  2. I have just recently finished my Wood Badge course and am working my ticket as I can. During our last weekend, the staff repetedly referenced an annual ticket, and encouraged all of us to consider doing one. The only problem is no one ever explained the concept of an annual ticket. Can anyone clarify this for me, please?





    "All Hail the MIGHTY QUAIL!"

  3. I have just completed my 2nd weekend of our WB course. Honestly, I didn't learn very much from the lectures. If you've ever attended any course on leadership or conflict management, you can TEACH the WB lectures. I was very fortunate to have many long time Scouters in my patrol and program...That is where I picked up many of the things I learned. My only real complaint was the repetative form we had to use in writing out tickets out. I think I could have had my tickets written in 20 minutes (after choosing what I wanted to do) if the forms hadn't asked the same questions several times.


    "All hail the MIGHTY QUAIL!"



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