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Posts posted by geha1

  1. Gonzo,

    I have been an Asst. Girl Scout Leader, Asst. Cub Master & Asst. Scout Master & am currently the Venturing Crew Leader. But long before these positions...I was in the military and am a Disabled Veteran & Madame Commander of the local American Legion Post. I felt the need to respond to your statement about flag retirement ceremonies at campfires. I feel that in these troublesome days as well as throughout our American history that we can NEVER do enough to remind our youth of what the flag stands for. The more you do something, the more you understand it...as is so not only with our kids but the adults that have the opportunity to observe the ceremony. With foreign countries burning our flag, it is most important that we teach ALL that there is a difference in burning the flag of our Country and laying our flag to rest. Maybe you could use some different ceremonies so that it's something new every 6 mos., for example. Our schools don't really teach about US history or how our flag became what it is today, much less what Old Glory actually represents. For she is far more than just a piece of cloth with a star for each state, she represents the blood shed by every American soldier that gave his/her life to protect our freedoms, she represents the purity of our country, the original 13 colonies. I encourage you to be supportive of these ceremonies as our youth is our future and simply put, when our scouts know...they tell their friends about it & more people will be informed. I actually lead flag retirement ceremonies at the elementary schools, using scouts and children of active duty soldiers, which enables us to reach MANY kids. And you can bet they tell their parents about what they've learned. Have a great day!

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