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Posts posted by Emperor


    I've read that the wood of certain trees burns at different rates and different temperatures. Furthermore, the wood of some species of trees is more likely to make sparks or explosions than the wood of other types of trees. I've read that hardwoods make good firewood because they are slow burning, and softwoods are lousy for firewood because they burn so fast.


    Even if I was able to identify what species different trees were by their leaves, and I knew their suitability for firewood, this knowledge probably still wouldn't help me pick which branches to use for firewood. Green wood that has leaves that I can identify is not good for firewood anyway. Only deadwood is suitable for fire wood, but dead wood doesn't have leaves on it.


    For example, I've read that wood from ash trees makes good firewood, but if I see a dead tree branch/log on the ground, how do I know it's ash wood if it does not have any leaves on it?


    How do I identify trees types on dead wood with no leaves?


    Is it done by finding a dead tree and somehow identifying the tree after it has died by its branch structure?

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