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Serve Actively in a Position of Responsibility?

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If a scout has been coached, supported, directed for 3 to 4 months and he is still not doing his "job" I think you should remove him from the POR. If he was allowed to complete the term without doing anything he still did the job.

If I worked for 6 months, my employer decided to remove me from my job, I would not have to give my pay back. Or would that be payback. :)

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When our guys get a POR, part of the training includes going over a form specifying what it will take to successfully complete the tour of duty. The Scout reviews the form with the SM and both sign it at the beginning of the term. In essence, its a contract. It includes space for the Scout to write down examples of things he did to meet each requirement. At PLCs and other tag-ups, their progress at meeting the requirements is discussed. Coaching and additional training is applied as required. At the end of the term, the Scout signs the completed form and turns it into the SM at an end-of-tour SM Conference. The Scout has to state whether or not he believes he honestly did his best and met the requirements he agreed to at the beginning. They know for example, it's pretty obvious if he cant write down anything under the block Independent Patrol Activities. When they come up short, its usually not by much and the shortcoming can be made up by completing an additional leadership project (organizing a skill class for 1st years, etc.) that the Scout and SM agree upon.


We started using this system about a year ago and its helped a lot. Might be overkill for small-mid sized troops, but it works for us in a very large troop.


We have had to completely remove a Scout from office on very rare occasions, but most of the time theyre trying and willing to learn just lack the motivation to put forth the extra effort or get clobbered by school, etc.


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