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The kids have to realize that the bugs mean them no harm. this has to start at an early age, preferrably when the scouts go to day camp as tigers and wolves. It helps if the parents don't freak out as well.

We had a boy at Summer camp. Sleeping in wall tents, he found that the daddy long leg spiders liked to share the same quarters. Totally freaked out. He damn near bathed in insect repellent. Still no good. His disillusionment with all things insect like came to a head, and long story short, he ended up quitting the Troop, and convinced his WEBELOS scout brother to not bother joining Boy Scouts, because of all the bugs he would encounter on a camping trip.

As adult leaders, we were dumbfounded, as to how a youth who gets so worked up with insects, could have ever wanted to join scouts in the first place; and for that matter, why did his folks let him join scouts if he can't handle the sight of insects and spiders and such. The kids just need to gradually get a feel for the place that the bugs play in nature, and slowly become comfortable being around them, and the place for that to start, in my opinion, is the home.

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Education and patience seem to go a long way in conquering fears of bugs, snakes, etc. I've watched boys who would almost faint dead away at the sight of a snake touch and even hold a snake after a short educational talk and some reassurance by rangers and wildlife biologists.



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Hmm Interesting.


I dont know I think it just takes time and getting used to bugs. Take me for example, I used to never go outsideseriously I am not kidding. When I went outside it was to go from the house to the car or to the house from the car. Now, I practically live outside! You cant keep me from hiking, canoeing, or camping and we all know there are loads of bugs when doing that! Now, I do admit that I really dont like bugs and am actually terrified of the kind that sting (bees, wasps, hornetsick) but I think when it hit me that bugs are outside and I will see them and of course the more I did things outside and the more I did see them I got used to it.


Of course you have to realize that if a kid joins scouts and his former hobbies have been playing videogames and he hasnt come into contact with many insects then he might be cautious at first. Maybe he wont ever get over it (I still wont sleep if there is even one bug in my tentthats just how I am.)


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Learn about them and what they do to help the environment? Teach a catch and release? Keep a cup handy to capture then study and release.

Funny how sometimes event the bravest kids freak when a spider or bee gets in the tent!!

Sent daughter to kayak camping for 1 week haven't been able to get her back -- out of everything was upset about spiders in the outhouse. Also almost tipped her boat on a canoe trip at an enviromental camp last year because of same critters having convention in her canoe.

she's working on getting lit bro scared and i have to constantly conteract it.

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You know I have never had a problem with snakes. Now it's one thing if I didn't know a snake was there and it pops out in front of me, but if I'm walking on the trail and I see a snake I just go around it. I think they're kinda cool actually, sspecially the poisonous ones! I used to say that I'd rather get bit by a snake then stung by a bee or wasp of course I used to have an irrational fear of stinging insects...I'm working on it now. Though...it might be cool to be bit by a snake just once...think of the inspiration it would give you! ;)

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A couple of years ago we had a boy in our troop that freaked out over the spiders in the tent the leaders at camp gave him a regular dome tent and told him he could set it up every night and put it away every morning he used that for a couple of years now he sleeps in the regular camp tents.

Be understanding-fears are real to the person.

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Hey WildernesStudent - snakes may be venomous, not poisonous. A couple of years ago, one of our Scouts was afraid of spiders. Now, not so much. I don't know what helped him get over his fear. Maybe spending time in the woods helped.


As for me, living in the South I am completely freaked out by palmetto bugs. For those of you unfamiliar, think big cockroaches that fly.

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So, Gwd-scouter, I am also from the South and actually had no idea that palmetto bugs existed until I read your post (thank you so much). My only comfort now is knowing that I have a dome tent and as long as I zipper it no bugs can get in! On the other hand, last time I went camping I found a beetle in my sleeping bag (that is after I had been in it a while...*shudders*) and the tent had been closed for a while, which means it probably rode in on someone (like moi).


As for snakes being poisonous I guess they aren't...at least people eat even the venomous ones down here (though I personally haven't tried it...heard is tastes like chicken). Ah, the wonders of the South! ;)

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