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It was presented to me and several hundred scouters from across the country at Philmont Training Center, I heard it again a few months later at our council's annaual dinner. It was part of a national recruitment video-cast from national to thousands of volunteers across the country. Whether it was passed along to unit level volunteers I suppose was left to the local council professionals and volunteers to do. The training team hear mentions it at most training courses. We heard about it in this district, I cannot account for other districts or councils.

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Getting back to the uniform ... My biggest beef with the uniform is that the collars on my shirt last about one year at best. The collars "pill-up" and look like hell. The rest of the shirt looks great. Now, I've looked at other individuals shirts and the problem does not seem universal. My wife blames it on my beard. her postulation is that my beard rubs against the collar. I do sport a rather short chin warmer (goatee?). I shave daily (except on some outings) so I really don't know the cause. Anyhoo, regardless of the "style" what I perceive to be inferior material doesn't make the uniform look very good. I do wear the shirt with the top button open (i.e. the "proper" way) and usually with the neckerchief under the collar. I prefer over the collar but the vast majority of our unit prefers the under and I believe uniformity trumps personal desire.

For those who may be interested (from http://histclo.hispeed.com/youth/scout.html):

Scout Uniforms

Early years Given the Baden-Powell's role in the Scout movement, the original English Scout uniforms had a decidedly military look--although the Scouts were in many ways less militarized than the Boys' Brigade. The early American Scout uniform followed the English example. The English and some Europeans have given great attention to the uniform, more so than in the more easy growing United States and many other counties. Uniform inspections have been more common in England. At events such as Scout Band competitions, the inspections can be quite rigorous. The English tend to have a stricter national standard. When the English Scout movement decided to shift to long pants in 1969, virtually all troops followed suit. In American, Scouting is much more identified with outdoor events where uniform standards were less rigorous. In addition, individual councils and even troops are allowed considerable leeway on how to wear the uniform and over the year a great diversity of hats, kerchiefs, knickers, long and short pants, can be observed at Cub and Scout groups.

Current trends Over the years the Scout uniform in different transformed in to more suitable field uniform. Scout leaders in each country adopting the movement made a variety of changes, incorporating elements of national dress. Special uniforms were developed for the younger Cub Scouts as well as Sea Scouts and groups for older Scouts, such as the Explorers in the United States. Today younger Scouts very much like their uniforms and older Scouts in America tolerate them. Many European Scouts have virtually abandoned their uniforms.

American uniform The American Scout uniform has been markedly changed [except the Sea Scouts] three times since 1910, each time becoming somewhat more European. The last time was in 1980, ostensibly being redesigned by Oscar de la Renta, who produced something curiously resembling a French uniform of about 1960. The Girl Scouts (a separate and smaller organization) in America change their uniforms much more often and allow for individual choices amounting to fashion statements. They are also less strict about their use. Fashion impact The Scout movement which developed before World War I had a significant impact on boys' fashions. The short pants introduced as part of the uniform were to dominate boys' clothing in Europe for five decades. The shorts proved less popular in America where most Scouts wore knickers.

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When my branch of military service contemplates a uniform change, here's how it works. There's a uniform board that meets periodically and considers change proposals from the field; anyone can suggest a change. The board considers them all, throws out the crazy ones (i.e., flowered dress and feathered boa), and then those that constitute a major overhaul are field tested. Several hundred members are selected at random to test the new uniform for a specified period of time, as long as a year. Their comments are fed back to the uniform board, changes made if necessary, and the uniform hits the shelves and supply warehouses. It works okay, even if it takes a while.


The key to the field test is the random selection of the members. The test subjects include new airmen and general officers. And, they're very candid with their feedback.


Why wouldn't a similar method work with changes to the BSA uniform?



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Just don't let those who would benefit from a uniform change sit on the review board! For example, changing the uniform, reqgardless of the change, would benefit clothing manufacturers. Maybe my age is showing, but the older I get, the less I embrace change as inherently "good."

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Wow just like my new telly Wide Screen!!

Have to admit that I'm a little disappointed to hear that the BSA did a survey and didn't share the results with everyone. Or maybe I just didn't see it?

I kinda think that the wise people who work for National know what is going on at the unit level.

I know from talking to other people in Scouting and parents of Scouts that uniform and uniforming is high on their Agenda.

I really don't buy enough clothes to know if the prices are fair or not. I did notice the high cost of Venturing Socks a little while back.

Part of me knows that if the uniform was changed that it would look like something from a fast food company.

But I don't mind the uniform that we have at present. If I was going to add something it would be a warm jacket. I always think that it is a shame when everyone is in uniform that no one can tell. I have the red wool jacket, but I don't any youth member that owns one.

Looking over the articles in the links that have been provided I never really thought about it, but the English standard of uniforming was in my day a lot stricter. While there were times that a Scout didn't come to a troop meeting in uniform, I can't remember anyone coming in just parts of the uniform.



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