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Looking for reasons not to

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I'm with Compass and CaptKirk on this one, for all the same reasons.


- SPL appoints his assistant, and those guys aren't dumb, ours generally appoint someone who has offsetting strengths and commitments (different sports, activities, and so on).


- Some of our Scouts who didn't vote for the current SPL have the date of the next election circled on their calendars; 6 months out is palatable for them -- a year isn't.


- Big human dynamic: ASPL to SPL: "They voted for me, not you, so...".


I suppose if you have a stable troop with minimal transfers in/out, it might work. But in one like ours, where almost nobody's here longer than 2 years, we'd have only two or three candidates each election who met rank/experience criteria AND had a full year left before they move...



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We elect ALL offices, every 6 months. I have worked to make it "cool" to be an officer (special privledges, special food, call the SPL "Mister", JLT is a fun overnight...) The guys scratch and claw to be elected.


I don't like the idea of automatic promotion. The boys change a lot in 6 months. They can go from "Eager Scout" to "Mr. I'm Too Cool For You Little Kids" in a flash.


Nothing should be a "given". A boy should have to work to be elected each time.


The Troop should not have to suffer any longer than one term with a poor leader or a guy who loses interest.


Our current ASPL wants to go back to PL -he said "it's more fun and less work".


I constantly remind the PLC that their Scouts are watching and thinking about who to re-elect.


I have also seen many Scouts who made great ASPLs but refused to be SPL - and I was glad they refused! Our ASPL is a helper, filling in where needed - occaisionally as SPL, but usually when the QM or PL is missing. Being a good first mate is VERY different from being a good captain!


We make our elections serious business. We have been talking about them for weeks. My speech before elctions is to remind the boys that they will have to do whatever the elected officer orders. "Who will you respect and obey when he gives you latrine duty and who do you think will help you and make the Troop fair and fun?" (end of my 15 second speech)


The current SPL leads the election. They ALWAYS remind the Scouts that this is not a popularity contest! We review the written requirements for rank and attendance and review the specific duties for our Troop. Each Scout can nominate himself and make a short speech. Elections are by secret ballot and no tallies are posted - only the name of the winner. If I suspect silly voting, I ask for a revote. This has only happened once in several years.


One time, we were reorganizing by adding a new patrol, so we voted for the top 5 Scouts: SPL, ASPL, and 3 PL from the entire Troop. That new PLC then assigned the 3 PLs to a patrol.


Don't be afraid to raise the bar. Each time is raise the standards, the Scouts try harder. My Scout mentor always asks "What does the football team require? Should we require any less?"

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We elect ALL offices, every 6 months. I have worked to make it "cool" to be an officer (special privileges, special food, call the SPL "Mister", JLT is a super fun overnight...) The guys scratch and claw to be elected.


I don't like the idea of automatic promotion. The boys change a lot in 6 months. They can go from "Eager Scout" to "Mr. I'm Too Cool For You Little Kids" in a flash.


Nothing should be a "given". That's welfare. A boy should have to work to be elected each time.


The Troop should not have to suffer any longer than one term with a poor leader or a guy who loses interest.


The Peter Principle "People rise to their level of incompetence".

Our current ASPL wants to go back to PL -he says "it's more fun and less work".


I have also seen many Scouts who made great ASPLs but refused to be SPL - and I was glad they refused! Our ASPL is a helper, filling in where needed - occasionally as SPL, but usually when the QM or PL is missing. Being a good first mate is VERY different from being a good captain!


I constantly remind the PLC that their Scouts are watching and thinking about whom to re-elect.


We make our elections serious business. We have been talking about them for weeks. 6 Scouts hustled to reach First Class last week so they could be in this week's elections.


My 15 second speech before elections is to remind the boys that they will have to do whatever the elected officer orders. "Who will you respect and obey when he gives you latrine duty? Who do you think will help you? Who will make the Troop fair and fun? If I suspect silly voting, we will do a re-vote."


The current SPL leads the election. They ALWAYS remind the Scouts that this is not a popularity contest! We review the written requirements for rank and attendance and review the specific duties for our Troop. Each Scout can nominate himself and make a short speech. Elections are by secret ballot and no tallies are posted - only the name of the winner.


One time, we were reorganizing by adding a new patrol, so we voted for the top 5 Scouts: SPL, ASPL, and 3 PL from the entire Troop. That new PLC then assigned the 3 PLs to a patrol. The Patrols then elected their APL.


Don't be afraid to raise the bar. Each time I raise the standards, the Scouts try harder. My Scouter Mentor always asks "What does the football team require? Should we require any less?"


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