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Footlockers noted in Staff needs????

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Have tried to get an answer regarding the notes on the jamboree site in the staff section that we need to have a footlocker. This is not something that is simple, or inexpensive to ship. Is this something actually needed, or just a suggestion; or do they furnish them? I lived out of duffles in the past two I attended.



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Its just a recommendation. I've always had a footlocker at Jambo. It IS simple, and why ship it?? I bring it on the plane like any other checked luggage. I now use plastic footlockers, and am planning on getting one that has wheels on it for about $40 at the local Container Store. (tho I'll double check to make sure the size is ok for my airline)




If you've use duffles in the past, go with that.

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Duhhh! Another indicator that I am still living in the 60's. I still have a college footlocker, and it is way too large for practical shipping. Thanks for unmuddling my head. Now know what to look for.

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