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merit badge system for Jamboree

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My son returned home yesterday without the yellow copies of his merit badge work from the Jambo. He was told that the information on his badge work was entered into a computer and forwarded to his scout master. Irresponsible...yes. But he is only 12 and I am cutting him a little slack and I feel very bad. Does anyone know the procedure on this? Does he need them? Someone must get the originals, do you think we can get copies? Thanks in advance for any information.

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Please do cut him some slack.

The instructions were not very clear.

We collected all the yellow slips. In fact we very nearly lost a couple when the second storm came!!

We the Jambo Leaders are informing the Scouts home Troop SM what MB's were completed and what parts were completed if the entire Merit Badge wasn't complete. We are backing this up with a copy to the council service center and a blue card to the SM along with a copy of the yellow slip.

We are also asking the home SM for permission to hold a Jamboree Troop COH, where we will present all the MB's along with some other" Awards" (Some serious and some not so serious) We will recognize all the Scouts for earning all the rockers.

I feel sure all the SM's will allow us to go ahead with this, they of course can recognize the Lad again at their own COH.

Sadly August is just such a busy month, I like to recognize a Scout as quickly as possible, but September will soon be here and by then I will have made all the disks and hope to have a half decent presentation made, the Jambo parents will be invited to bring a covered dish and I will provide the Gatorade - It will be just like old times.


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Eamonn- thanks for your reply. I just received word that my son's SM did not have the same system. Seems like you guys put alot of thought into keeping things organized. Well done! I will not feel good about this until I hear from someone that copies can be obtained. My son left for San Fransisco for Gaelic Football Tournament the morning after he returned. I would hate to have to tell him this when he gets back. :(

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Wow - Gaelic Football Tournament !!

A few years back a cousin of mine Eamonn Brady,played in the all Ireland for County Meath.

I played Rugby in the number eight position (The smallest fellow on the team!!) And got the heck knocked out of me.

I of course have a repertoire of rugby songs that could never be sung in mixed company or anywheres near our Scouts.

I hope you find a way of sorting this mess out. I'm not sure how. Maybe it will all come down to A Scout is Trustworthy, and failing all else you can meet with a MB Counselor in your District and tell him what was covered?

You might want to give your District Advancement Chairman a call.

Does your Lad play Hurling?


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No hurling. They had a few clinics to spark some interest, but I don't think there was enough boys to start a team. My son has a great smile...I'd like him to keep his teeth. LOL All kidding aside, he watched the clinic from the sidelines and I think he would haunt me to play if they got enough players for a team. His football team won the under 12 division in our area of New York. Lots of fun!

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Quick thread hijack

Eamonn - I thought you must have played in the pack in Rugby, although you number eights always tried to join those pretty boy playing in the back line. I was a hooker myself. That was a great conversation starter at family reunions as no one knew what Rugby was. And the songs - my team was the most skilled in the third half, we never lost a post-game party.


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Hi NIscouter

My house-master was a Welsh international player.

I have very painful memories of Rugby practice first thing on Monday mornings, when the ground was still frozen. Man did that ever hurt!!

This was in the days when corporal punishment was allowed, if he thought you weren't "Giving it some well-ie" he made you bend over and whacked you on the behind with his training shoe. To this day I swear he must have had the biggest feet in the UK.


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FYI - According to what we were told by the Merit Badge Midway Personell -


The Yellow Sheets the scouts have are their Blue Cards. Any and all scout shops must accept the yellow sheets of paper in place of the blue cards. And issues or questions should be directed to the national office for clarification.Te white copies were scanned into their computer system and recorded. All Merit Badge Counselors recevied the white sheets back the next day. The Yellow Sheet is considered a National BSA form and therefore MUST be accepted by all council shops.


Hope this helps.

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Since the return of his trunk we have recovered one more yellow. The only paper he is missing now is for Citizen of the Nation. He completed all except for the final requirement of sending a letter to his senator. He did not get MB midway in time, when he arrived the rest of the group had already started with their letters. So it is almost complete. I have tried e-mailing my local council twice and have not even received and acknowledgement that they received my e-mail. :(

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WOW!!! I have received a TON of assistance with members of this site to help obtain copies of my son's merit badge work from the Jambo. I am still missing one key piece of information. However, I had to post this bit of info. In todays snail mail I received the original white sheet from his Soil and Water councellor! I am not sure if this is the procedure for all to follow but I am so impressed! How wonderful! There is hope for others missing there sheets!!

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