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We have a super jamboree CSP

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I am not a patch collector, the Tupperware Box system works fine for me.

Our everyday CSP is about the worst patch I have seen.

I don't post where I am from in the profile because at times I have called Field Directors "Twits." If you work it out for yourself, than thats not my fault!!!

Our normal CSP has what I thought were two animal pens on it. I was shocked when I found out they were supposed to represent, Fort Ligoner and Fort Necessity!!

Any how the Jamboree patch will have a picture of Mr Rogers on. I don't think it will be as hot as the Blues Brothers were in 2001, but it beats the sheep pens that we have to wear most of the time.


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I take it Fred Rogers has some connection to your Council? I don't mind the spoof patches, as long as they don't cross the line of Scouting Good Taste or violate copyright or licensing laws (e.g., Bart Simpson), and since the boys and less serious collectors seem to enjoy them. However, I think that official patches (JSP or otherwise) represent all members of a given Council and should have some rules of decorum and symbolism. Patch makers vary in quality, and some will merely reproduce the artwork sent to them. Perhaps your council needs a better artist (a contest, maybe?).

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