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Red Cross Babysitting Course

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Just asking,


My son and his scout buddies are interested in taking the Red Cross Babysitting course. They have grand ideas of making money and its nice to see some initiative. They are following through either way but,


Are there merit badge(s) this type of training fits into?


-- AK

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My daughter took the course. It's a little redundant (first aid and emergency preparedness), but also has helpful hints that boys may neglect (e.g., bring toys/videos, clean the kitchen once the kids are asleep, etc ...).


After the course, your son should look over his first class requirements and see if there is anything he can demonstrate to the patrol leader.


I think a first-aid merit badge counselor is going to want to see him demonstrate all the required skills. But, if your son tells him/her he has some red cross certification, he might be allowed to skip some reading/instruction and go straight to testing.

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Thanks qwazse, boys already FC and have firstaid mb. Will look into EP.


Thanks Adam S for you comment. That certainly would be one way to go. Another would be to know where the items are located and suggest the boys look there. "Hey I think there is something in the ______ merit badge about this stuff, are you interested? Lets take a look."


-- AK



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Also, personal management. Nothing directly related to the course, but if the boys are starting to earn income, learning to track it is a good thing.


Along those lines, family life may be good to take at this time.


Those two are ones boys put off until last. But I've seen it really hinder a boy (not just in making Eagle, but in enabling him to handle important issues -- high adventures, car maintenance, girlfriend -- in those teenage years). The content in the MB Pamphlet might not be new to him, but getting to know a couple more caring adults who he can talk to can make a huge difference.

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