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You Might be a Star Wars Geek

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A few things...


OGE, I didn't know your grandfather was Lawrence Welk :)


Calico, obviously anyone who thinks that a parsec is a unit of time measurment is inferior to James T. Kirk, they'd even be inferior to James R. Kirk (listed on the headstone from "Where No Man Has Gone Before"). The issue I must take with your post, however, is the suggestion that Kirk is the be-all-end-all of Starfleet captains, when obviously Jean-Luc Picard is superior in so may ways. (Not the least of which is his acceptance of going bald, unlike a certain Captain/Admiral/Captain/Police Sergeant/nutty trial lawyer that we all know...)

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I never said James T. Kirk was better than Jean-Luc Picard (or for that matter Kathryn Janeway, Hikaru Sulu, or Christopher Pike, though he is clearly better than Captain Styles and Captain Jellico), only that he's better than Han Solo.




Obviously Star Trek is not the greatest SciFi franchise in history - it's clearly #2, right behind Dr. Who.



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(in my 10th Doctor impersonation) WWEEEELLLLLL now that you mention it." ;)


DO..... NOT... GET...ME...STARTED ...ON ...DOCTOR.... WHO!!!!!


Ok you asked for it.



If you turn your bedroom into the 4th Doctor's (aka Curls and Teeth) T.A.R.D.I.S., you might be a Doctor Who fanatic. (yes I got pics of my wife and her sister in their T.A.R.D.I.S. bedroom)


If you have every single available Doctor Who episode, you might be a Doctor Who fanatic.


If you have the partial episodes, the ones that are the original sound track but have artwork instead as the video no longer exists, you might be a Doctor Who fanatic. (in-laws)


If you create 2 Doctor Who Costumes every year for DRAGONCON, you might be a Doctor Who fanatic.


If you redo your BLINK Angel costume from scratch b/c 'it just doesn't look right" you might be a Doctor Who fanatic. ( sis in law)



If you google DRAGONCON and Doctor Who Photos, you will see with some of what I have to live with in ref to my in-laws.


My kids are doomed to be Sci fi and fantasy geeks ;) Then again when you get Gondorian Armour for your 1st birthday, that is a sure sign that you are doomed.

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Would the wife getting kicked out the SCA's Ref Fest Count? Long story short, wife had an AWESOME begger costume. Let's just say it took about 3-4 hours of me helping her mix and put on the makeup.


ANYWAY some bigwig with SCA at the fair was ticked off at her being in costume and in persona. Said she needed to be registered in order to wear a costume. Tell that to the hordes inall kinds of faerie et al costumes. I think she was just ticked b/c wifey's costume was awesome.


Sis in law wore it to a different ren fair and had no problems.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ahhh, this would be where I mention that my DH gave me a sonic screwdriver for Christmas!!


And B5 - truth is a three-edged sword.


Farscape, anyone?


Vicki(This message has been edited by Vicki)

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