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I've been a Scouter for over 25 years. I have a closet full of uniforms with red tabs. They have been so much a part of my life I feel like I should have them tattooed om my shoulders by now. But the time has come to change. No, not to green but to blue. As of next Friday I will be re-tabbed as a brand new Tiger Cub Den Leader.

I recall my younger days when I thought I know it all. I am now older and wiser but have noticed that while I may not think I know it all, most of the younger folks assume I do. Strange feeling sitting in on a meeting (Pack Committee) and knowing for sure that I don't know anything!

On top of that It doesn't help any that my ADL looks like she is 20 years younger than I am. Some of them red tabbed shirts just might be older than she is. Does she even know who the Beatles are? (Yes, Paul McCartney was in a band... No, before Wings.)


On the plus side, as CC for the troop, I know where the Den Chiefs are kept. I don't have to wait for one to come find me.



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AlamanceScouter: I hope so. I've always said the purpose of Cubs must be to make sure the troop is never too big. They start with 12 tigers lose two to end up with 10 wolfs, two more for 8 bears, 6 webelos I, 4 weblos II and then cross over with 2 new scouts and complain that I can't provide their sound with a real patrol program.


Now I'm them... Time to put up or shut up.


Scoutfish :"you know what you did when you used to do it."

I never did it. I joined at the end of 8th grade, Earned Tenderfoot, shattered my hip at the Klondike Derby, two operations and two years on crutches kept me from advancing but didn't keep me from camping. Turned 18 and signed on as ASM. (up to SM, back to ASM and then CC and Round table Comish). Zero time as a cub or cubber.

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Welcome to the BLUE team!


"Strange feeling sitting in on a meeting (Pack Committee) and knowing for sure that I don't know anything!"


What you lack in experience, you make up for in resourcefulness! At least you know where to look for the answers. One of the hardest jobs in Scouting, IMO, is the Tiger Cub DL, trying to keep 8-10 6-7 yr olds occupied, entertained and somewhat in control for an hour per week. Yet we expect a person new to scouting to be able to absorb the details of the program. YPT,G2SS, plus the Cub Scout program itself, not to mention the Adult partners who are looking to you for guidance and leadership. Have you ever tried to herd cats? Same thing!


Work out a plan with your ADL for the 1st few months, to get a feel for how you two work together. Maybe your strength is program and hers is arts and crafts. Who knows, your strength could be arts and crafts and she is the "nuts and bolts" one.No pun intended, couldn't help myself :) Remember, shared leadership!


Remember KISMIF!! Enjoy this time with your son, they only get to be a Tiger Cub once!

Alamance is right, you will have a very good New Scout patrol in a few years, they are lucky to have you.


Good Luck and Have Fun

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"I've been a Scouter for over 25 years. I have a closet full of uniforms with red tabs."


Nah, I didn't necesarrily mean you were a cub scout when younger, but you got 25 years of experience in scouting.


Compared to my 2 1/2 TOTAL COMBINED years. You probably do know what seems like ( to me) everything!



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Wingnut, working with Tigers is the absolutely the BEST job around! Especially for an experienced Scouter.


You get to share your love of Scouting, and to inspire that same love in brand new families. Nothing beats the look in the eyes of a Tiger and his Partner as they discover what they can accomplish together.


As I have said before -


Tigers are G-R-R-R-R-R-E-A-T !!!



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Like you, I had a bunch of uniforms with red, silver, and gold loops over the years. BUT the funnest set to wear, and the set I had been waiting to wear since I found out oldest was going to be a son, were the blue ones I currently wear.


You may be surprised at what you actually know about Cub Scouts. You know there are resources and where to look. You have the outdoor skills so that when your pack goes camping you can help the new folks prep. You probably have a ton of scouting stories to keep the Cub interested, motivated, and inspired. You will be fine.



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Got to say, I'm a bit afraid. I've read the original Jungle Books and know who the tiger is. It was the tiger that brought death to the jungle. He may kill man once a year with out fear. I just hope that night doesn't come on a pack night...


(Summery - http://www.kipling.org.uk/rg_fearcame1.htm )

(Full Text - http://www.kellscraft.com/junglebook/junglebook03.html )


Now, my new tiger cub gives me a hug and kiss each night, but I still lock the door while I sleep (grin).

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