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We are only hearing one side of the story but I see a lot of you bending over backwards to impugn Schattenmann and defend this unnamed SM. I may be new to these boards but I'm hardly new or untrained as a scouter and I have seen situations pretty similar to what Schattenmann is describing.


I am well aware that removing an SM is disruptive I said so myself. It is also sometimes unfortunately necessary. A festering wound like a SM practicing nespotism can be just as disruptive and unhealthy for the troop. I've seen this situation in troops, in churches, all sorts of organizations. It would be preferable to not have to remove the SM but it must be considered if his behavior is driving boys away and he won't consider changing that behavior. I'm sorry but I still believe the loyalty is owed to the troop, not a person, and what I read in Schattenmann's postings is concern for the long-term viability of the troop.


What I'm puzzled by is the CC's actions. If he has so much more experience, was one of the first to see and voice concerns about the SM's actions, why isn't he leading this in the committee? Why is he using an ASM as the front man? This is a discussion the CC could be having with the COR, UC and DE without putting you in a difficult situation -- unless he also somehow thinks he's the logical choice as successor SM and doesn't want to be seen as making some kind of powerplay?

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Well, I just wrote a nice reply, hit submit, and typo'ed my password and lost it, so here's the rundown version:


Thanks for the concerned, voice-of-experience advice most of you have given.

I will start encouraging more training with our adults (most are trained to standard already but there's always more to be had), get ASMs that are doing Committee jobs (for example I'm an ASM working as Program Coordinator) re-registered into Committee, and simply keep doing what I can to get the SM to let go of things he's messign up, and hold on to things he's doing right. I don't dislike him at all, he's a nice guy.

As has always been the case, if everyone else is content to watch the SM play pin the tail on the donkey until he resigns, I am too, and can content myself with doing the tings I can can do and encouraging grumblers to do the same.

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Schatt - you stated -


"I will start encouraging more training with our adults (most are trained to standard already but there's always more to be had), get ASMs that are doing Committee jobs (for example I'm an ASM working as Program Coordinator) re-registered into Committee, and simply keep doing what I can to get the SM to let go of things he's messign up, and hold on to things he's doing right."


You seem to have not gotten the idea here.


Doing all of these things is not YOUR job!


ALL of the things that you mentioned above are the COMMITTEE CHAIR'S job, with assistance from the COR.


I really do not understand why you are so intent on doing the job of the CC and COR.


Put the problems back in their lap (where the belong) and concentrate on the boys.


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ScoutNut, first, I don't see why you'd get into caps-lock range excitement over someone saying they'll encourage more training. But, to answer your question, let me go over it for the 5th time: The adults that are speaking to me about their discontent don't know what to do. We've voiced our concerns, had meetings, developed plans WITH THE INCLUSION AND AGREEMENT OF THE SM IN QUESTION who then turns around and does the complete opposite for over a year. These include the CC, the Adv Chair, ASMs, parents. The CoR is not interested in the troop beyond a means for more square knots.

Now I've come and received some insight, and said that I'll take that to the CC, et al. What's with the caps lock? Will you also get bothered if I promise to never ever talk abotu firing a Scoutmaster again or do you want to yell at that, too?

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If the CC was concerned about the actions of the SM, he should have had long, offsite, heart to heart talks with the SM.


If that did not work, CC should have gone to the COR, not backstabbed his SM by complaining to the ASMs. COR is the right guy to give formal guidance to the SM, admonish the SM, or remove the SM. Period.


I'm getting the feeling this Troop is on Peyton Place.


I won't be visiting this thread again.

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I capped a few words as emphsis because I can not get the html formating to work.




If the highly trained, and experienced CC, who is "in with the Council", doesn't know what to do about a SM who is not running a good program, and does not know what the District's Commissioner force is for, then the Troop has more problems than it seems.





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