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Working alongside Mr.Grey.

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A long time back, one of the points of the Scout Law in the UK was "A Scout smiles and whistles through all difficulties".

I never mastered the art of smiling and whistling at the same time!

Maybe because of this I have at times tended to think that "A Scout is cheerful" is one of the least important points of the Scout Law. (A case can be made that they are all of equal importance, but in my book "A Scout is kind" comes out on top! This of course is my own personal preference.)

For the past few months I have had the privilege to work along side Mr. Grey.

Mr. Grey is the most cheerful person I have ever met.

Everyday he greets me with "Hello my friend, how are you? He informs me that it is going to be a "Great day!!" At the end of his shift he informs me that "It was a good day".

He drives 100 miles a day round trip to get to work. He is good at what he does and gets on well with everyone.

A few weeks back he came to work and couldn't wait to tell me that his son had made Eagle Scout and he is the first Eagle Scout ever in the Troop.(The Troop is chartered by a Baptist church and all the Scouts are African-American)

Mr. Grey is raising a little Lad, his wife's sister's son, who was severally abused by the Lad's father. The Lad is ten years old but has brain damage and needs constant care. The poor kid is in and out of the hospital a lot. He is re-learning how to walk.

Mr. Grey and his wife have served as Webelos Scout Den Leaders. I'm sure the Webelos Scouts had a great time working with Mr.Grey.

Thanks to the example he sets by just being himself, I'm now starting to see that "A Scout is cheerful" is a very important point of the Scout Law. His glass is indeed always half full,his outlook is always positive.

He is by no means a grinning fool!! In fact he is well known for being firm, fair and consistent.

I'll bet if he tried he could smile and whistle at the same time.

We could all learn a lot from Mr.Grey.



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