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Wanting to become a member of the District Committee

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my name is lee shelton and i had a few questions about District Committees. i have been in scouts since i was 11 and i got my Arrow of Light as well as my Eagle Scout. Right now im 18 years old but i have worked with a district committee very close as a Chapter Chief in the O.A. i know that my age is younge but in scouting my experience in almost unbeatable in my District. I want to become a member of my Districts committee. I feel that my skill would be better of working on the committee and helping my districts instead of just working with my troop. i know i probably sound errogant but i cant help that i feel that i could be more help by being on the committee. do any of you older scouters have any advise for a younger one. like i said i really want to join the committee but im afraid that my youth might cause a problem even though i know the member of the committee very well. thank you.

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Welcome to the forum. I commend you on your desire to serve as a District Committee member. Unfortunately, you do not meet the age requirements, just like in your troop, you cannot yet be on the troop committee. You'll need to wait until you are 21.


I think the best way that you can help at a district level right now is to continue your cheerful service as an active member of the OA. Perhaps even get more involved in the lodge level. You can certainly help organize and man district events such as camporees too.


Best of luck to you,


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Since the age issue is a sticking point, I would suggest that you stay active in your lodge and unit, and make yourself available to the activities chairman in your district to help with camporees, daycamps, etc. Act as a staffer for various trainings for youth (NYLT, etc).


Most District positions are filled with men and women who by avocation or experience have something to bring to the table. Your experience in scouting is invaluable and should be welcomed in the activities committee. I doubt any DE or DC would begrudge you being an active participant due to your age, as long as your registration was at the unit level.


In our council currently we have a young man of 21 as our NYLT course director. He's been through the course and staffed it for the last 7 years, so he's got a good grasp. His Program Director will be 19 by the end of June. He's got a similar story. Their course is expected to be one for the books.


There is a place for you in the grand scheme of things, while most positions will not be "official" your service is of value and I'm sure it would be certainly welcomed. Keep up the good work and thanks for contributing - giving back.

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I'd agree with the sentiments posted. You have to be 21 to serve on a District Committee, and you have to be typically asked to serve at that level. If you want to work with training or some other area, I'd encourage you to volunteer to work with the chair on special projects such as staffing a training course, helping with a camporee, etc. Any Scouter (over 18) can help and serve in that area without being a member of the Committee. I'd encourage you to focus on serving your unit though and would encourage you to continue involvement in the OA at the Chapter or Lodge level. I'd also encourage you to examine your motives and think about why you want to be on the committee and make sure it is to serve as well as you can there, ie. no selfish motives.


Also, remember that people are watching you if you know it or not. I'm 28 years old and serve as District Training Chair for the District I'm in. After I graduated college in 2002, I got involved in a local troop and transferred my Lodge membership to my new Lodge and got involved there. The Chapter OA Adviser recommended me to the District Committee, and I was asked to serve as Boy Scout Training Chair. After a year and a half in that position, the Training Chair had to resign, and I moved into that position. I'm the youngest member of our committee, but I enjoy serving at that level. I feel like I make a difference there and serve well. I don't have a huge amount of free time so it works well for me. I hope this helps, if you have any questions post them.


Will Highsmith


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I know I probably sound arrogant but I can't help that I feel that I could be more help by being on the district committee.




Arrogant? Nah, lad. Yeh have to understand that district service is a step down from unit service!


The most important work that happens in Scouting happens at the unit level. For that reason in Scouting, the wisest and best trained folks are all out in the units, not in district service. Our best people have to be where the kids are.


Those of us who do district, council, or regional work are custodians in the Scouting Building. We take out the trash, keep the windows clean, make sure units get their support materials and such. We're their servants and employees. We've got no control over them, it works the other way.


Never forget it. Unit Scouting positions are the premiere jobs in the organization.




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