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Salute....this may seem silly but.........

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They know they salute the flag, but when else do they salute? During the National Anthem? Just during the Pledge?


I thought I knew the answers, but I've been questioned, so I'd rather just ask all of you and see what you have to say on the matter.


Thanks & hope you don't think I'm too clueless,


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You should also salute when the flag passes as in a parade. But this means we should already be saluting/hand over heart when it passes us at a den or pack meeting, too. Other times to salute: when the colors are raised or lowered, as a flag-draped coffin is passing, when "Taps" is sounded at a funeral. (Per BSA publication 33188, for those who want to know where I found this.)

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whew....you've made me feel better. We had a small group that we took to an event and we were in our uniforms, before the game, they sang the National Anthem like any game...I told the scouts they needed to salute during the song, they did, but NO ONE that I could see put their hand over their heart or anything. I think I heard one kid say, "you need to take off your hat" but I'm not sure if it was one of my scouts (who I'd expect to say that) or one of the non scout kids in the row behind us.


I think the scouts felt funny because no one was doing anything and there they were with their proud salute......I had to be sure I wasn't making them look silly LOL


I figured I'd get this straight now,, this way they can feel proud instead of "odd" when they salute as others just look on. They themselves can say, well this is when those in uniform need to salute and those not in uniform need to put their hand over their heart. Atleast I know I've been teaching them correctly....THANKS!!!

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Thank You FScouter, I THINK my boys know that, but they tend to get a little confused. We say "remove all non scouting hats" but you still see some boys remove their uniform hats, and we try to quietly tell them to go ahead and put them back on LOL :)


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On a related note, as I've been watching the Olympics, the 19 year old Flying Tomato (Shaun White, half-pipe snowboarder) was the only one I've noticed placing his hand over his heart during the National Anthem. Way to go Shaun!

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I was glad to see someone say to keep scout hats on during the pledge. My pack used to do this, but at some point someone insisted that ALL hats come off. I will let them know that uniform hats should stay on.


Another question we have is whether or not the boys in the color guard should salute. I thought they should salute (all except the ones holding the flags), but other leaders tell them to stand at attention and to not salute. Which is correct?


Cubleader6, I'm glad you started this thread, because I obviously have questions, too!

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Members of the color guard should not, imho, salute. The theory is they are guarding the flags and should just stand at attention.


On this topic, here's an interesting tidbit of information: Members of the military in uniform do not recite the Pledge. They stand at attention, hand salute and remain silent while it is being said.

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Now I'm even happier that I started this thread, if it's helping others as well :)


When I went to "Scout University" (which is basically a pow wow)I took a class on flag info such as color guard and they said they do not salute, as Kahuna said...this is because they are there to focus on guarding the flag ;) If I can find the papers from that class, I'll try to attach them for everyone to see :)

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Saluting of the flag during the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem, and the hoisting, lowering & passing of the flag, are all covered in Federal Codes Title 4 & Title 36.









There are no Federal Codes relating to the saluting of color guards or while the playing of Taps. These things are simply local traditions & not hard & fast rules.


Edited to include a "tiny url" to replace the 2nd long one.(This message has been edited by ScoutNut)

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