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How far does your Troop go to qualify JASM?

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I was asked to find the details for Junior Assistant Scoutmaster for another leader. I told her the specifics were located in the SM Handbook, SPL Handbook, and PL Handbook. (I read her the specifics from the PL Handbook because I had the book handy.)


The Reader's Digest version is that the boy must be 16 years old, appointed by the SPL, and approved by the SM.


The issue arises from Troops adding requirements for the boys to qualify to be JASM. Some say they must be Eagle which is contrary to POR requirements for Life which JASM is an option. Some say they must have been an SPL which could limit the boys qualifying if elections are held, as common, once or twice each year.


Are these things a Troop/SM/Committee can decide?



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RK's Reader's Digest version is essentially correct, but I would have included specific written requirement that JASM has shown outstanding leadership skills. (Ref SM HB, p 15, and SPL HB, p 110) I know - it doesn't make sense since it also says the JASM follows the guidance of the SM in providing support and supervision to other boy leaders in the troop. But that's the way it's very clearly written in at least two places.


Both of these handbooks mention that a troop may set its own age, rank, and other qualification standards for SPL and PL. Exactly what these are (if any) is up to the troop, which is clearly intended to mean the PLC, because they are charged with running the troop.


JASM, however, is different. Both handbooks say the JASM should be at least 16 yrs old and have shown outstanding leadership skills.


I can find no explicit reference to qualification standards for other positions, except the SPL is supposed to select the best available for the job, in consultation with SM.


So, going strictly from the books, the SPL is free to select anyone he wants as a JASM, as long as JASM is 16 or older, has shown outstanding leadership skills, and the SM has consented.


Since JASM is an optional position not really required for the operation of the troop, most SPLs with whom I have been affiliated and blessed to serve, usually decide to utilize the JASM position for former SPLs who are usually older and such strong natural leaders that it would be better for them to serve in a senior leadership role under SM rather than under new SPL. Not all former SPLs fit in the JASM role due to age or weak leadership skills, but I think you can see the value in using it at times.


When you look at it closely, the JASM is out of the troop's line leadership chain:

SPL - ASPL - other staff

- PLs - Patrol members


It's possible for an SPL to be confronted with a 16yr old strong leader who has never been SPL and who wants to be JASM, but I'd encourage SPL to find the potential JASM a different position where he could be more help in the mainstream. I faced this about a hundred years ago when I was elected SPL (for a year) and had to deal with a strong leader who had just missed out on his last opportunity to be SPL because he would turn 18 during the next term. There as a rough month or so until we reached an understanding, but we had a very successful year and both proudly served as JASMs the next year, until my buddy traded in his JASM patch for an ASM patch. (And we're best friends to this day - still both active in scouting. So it can have happy endings.)


In my mind, a better fit for JASM is that very strong leader who has served so successfully as SPL that the rest of the troop will have trouble not naturally continuing to turn to him (unofficially) for leadership. In this situation, there just isn't a good fit for him in the line leadership chain and he is likely to unintentionally be disruptive. It's better for him to be under the more seasoned care of a watchful SM who can mentor him and help him to continue to develop his leadership skills in ways that allow the new SPL to manage his team.


Must JASM be Eagle? No - answer is in rank POR requirements. Since that's written in the books, troop (i.e., PLC) does not have the option to alter it.


But - once again - there's no requirement that anyone be JASM. SPL should be encouraged to utilize the position only when it makes sense.



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