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Is there any significance to the order of the English alphabet?   It just sort of happened, I think.  Except for "z".   

As for the Scout Law,  (nice question),  it varies from country to country.  BSA has 12 points, Australia has ten.  Denmark has 5 (!). Not all have "Reverent"  but all the ones I have seen start with "Trustworthy" or some equivalent.  It is an interesting study.  Look up B-P's original, it only had 8, I think. 

Why that order?   Some early Scout leader (Seton?  West?  bound to be some apocryphal  story) wrote'm down and there they were.... 

Can you be trusted to kindly wash your hands before cooking?  Helpfully passing out cheerful  portions to your loyal friends,  who will thriftily not waste any after reverently giving thanks for the courteous way you served it up? Well, they were brave to obediently eat YOUR cooking when asked to table.... 

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What a great question. I have not thought of them that way, but it makes sense. Trustworthy and loyal are traits of integrity.  Do the rest of the points have any value without integrity?

Helpful, friendly, courteous and kind are action’s of the heart. They prove the scouts actions are serving, not self-serving.

Obedient, cheerful, thrifty are qualities of character strength.

Brave, clean and reverence are strengths of nobility.

That’s Barry’s idealistic analogy, but it wasn’t hard. 

Of course the scouts likely don’t care, but the three (😁), excuse me, four Aims weren’t high on their list either. 


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I think they kind of cluster together, but this is just me. Like @SSScout said, they are tuned to the American ear of a century ago. 

Trustworthy, Loyal, and Helpful are for citizenship

Friendly, Courteous, and Kind are interpersonal

Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty speak to being mentally awake

Brave, Clean, and Reverent speak to physical strength and moral rectitud.

I don't know if there is any intent in the order, but it seems that I do see them appear in boys on a deeper-than-surface level in roughly that sequence.


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4 hours ago, mrjohns2 said:

Is is true that truthful isn’t listed since Scouts were used as spies during the African campaign and good spies aren’t truthful? 

Well, the first of Baden -Powell's scout laws is "A SCOUT'S HONOUR IS TO BE TRUSTED" and part of the explanation for that was "If a scout were to break his honour by telling a lie, or by not carrying out an order exactly when trusted on his honour to do so, he would cease to be a scout, and must hand over his scout badge and never be allowed to wear it again."    See the wikipedia article cited about for the full 1908 scout law.

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23 minutes ago, walk in the woods said:

Anybody remember Kudu's (I think that his ID) website?  I bet the original scout law is on there somewhere. 


2 minutes ago, RememberSchiff said:


'Shiff's reference is a nice matrix of the points as they evolved over the years. Also on that site:

BP's Law and Oath with investiture ceremonies. http://www.inquiry.net/ideals/b-p/law.htm


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