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Youth Membership vs Adult Membership

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If a Scout is to be a youth member of the Order, a Scout must be under 21. So, if a Scout is under 21, are there any options other than being a registered youth member of a Venture Crew, Explorer Post or Sea Scout Ship?  If an 18 year old who has "aged-out" of a tradition Boy Scout Troop and wants to be an Assistant Scoutmaster for that Troop, does he then have to wait until age 21 to be nominated as an adult for membership in the Order? 

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Registered Scouters under the age of 21 (18,19 & 20 years old) are considered youth in the OA and are eligible to be placed on the ballot just like any other youth who has met the requirements.

They are also eligible to vote, just as other youth. They also may vote for anyone on the ballot, including themselves.

Explorers are not eligible for elections.

Currently only Boy Scout are eligible. Starting 2/1/19 All Scouts BSA, Crews and Ships will be eligible for election to the OA if they meet the requirements. They must meet the requirements in the unit type they are elected, i.e. a Venturer, dual registered as a Scouts BSA,  who meets the requirements to be elected in a Crew but does not meet the requirements to be elected in a troop, may not be elected in a troop, only a Crew.

Edited by HelpfulTracks
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