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A single vote doesn't sound all that significant, but in reality, contrary to popular belief, this is not a country of individuals and individual rights. It was set up that each person can have an equal say in what's going on and that elected officials when they don't follow through can be replaced by others who will.


But today we hear a ton of garbage surrounding the issue of someone's individual rights being stepped on, so they in turn step on someone else's. This process repeats itself ad nausium. So what we end up with is a society so afraid of itself that it has become socially stagnant with PCism.


Well people who originally came to this country came with a dream and got a vote. Well, the dream's gone, but I would suggest that people don't give up the vote too.



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I vote so I can whine and complain all I want.   Stosh

Once again, instead of being able to vote FOR someone I strongly believe in, I had to vote AGAINST a party's policies I vehemently disagree with. The system is broken.

You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else. Winston Churchill   It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the o

" a society so afraid of itself that it has become socially stagnant with PCism." Like this description Stosh; but watch out' date=' some do not believe we have such issues.[/quote']


And some people go through life in a haze of oblivion. Me? I'm always in hot water about something. It's uncomfortable at times, but it's still quite a ride! :)


I just got hassled day before yesterday. I was walking up to a business building with double doors. I heard footsteps behind me and without looking behind, I pulled open the door and stepped aside to let them through. Kinda my Good Turn thingy. Well it was a woman who point blank told me that she was capable of opening her own door, to which I replied, "There's two doors, knock yourself out, I have this one." If looks could kill, I'd be dead on the spot. I mean, c'mon, can't we have a little civility anymore? In order to be PC does that mean I can't be nice to people anymore?


All of life is an adventure, live it accordingly.



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Stosh: You did your dooty.

There is the apocryphal story of VA senator Randolph and House Speaker Henry Clay meeting on a narrow Washington sidewalk. One would have to step off into the mud to let the other pass. Randolph reportedly said "I never step aside for scoundrels!" To which Clay responded, "I always do", and stepped off the sidewalk.


From The Paradoxical Commandments

by Dr. Kent M. Keith:


"If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.

Do good anyway. "


see http://www.paradoxicalcommandments.com/


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Some of the issues that I have observed in the past 40 years circle around the dynamics of everyone being equal when they are not. They want to macho up women and feminize men. The children are left clueless as to whether they are boys or girls. In order for everyone to be equal everyone has become vanilla generic.


The sensitivity crowd has turned into militant intolerants. IF THERE MIGHT be someone out there that will be offended, we can't do it. Their cause has no basis in reality. Why are you in America if the American flag offends you?


One can't dream the American Dream anymore because there might be one person out there that will never achieve it and will feel bad if you succeed.


The basic Bill of Rights our Founding Fathers fought to get and subsequent generations fought to maintain are attacked daily in all corners of society. With PCism running rampant and no real definitions out there, one can no longer rely on basic free speech as a defense of anything anymore.


Like the Godwin Rule, it almost seems that unless someone brings up racism, they aren't debating correctly. I have found from my own observation that the people who are first to play the Race Card are the real racists.


So, LeCastor, where do you want to begin? :)


Macho women and feminine men? Lets make BSA co-ed! That should take care of that. Then let's dumb down the program so even the children of the alcoholic village idiot can be successful. Eagle rank, no problem, if you show up, you will get it. BSA is open to anyone of either gender, any race, any religion or lack thereof.


I'd break out my guitar at this point and start playing Kum By Ya, but I'm sure someone would be offended.


Stosh :p

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So, LeCastor, where do you want to begin? :)


Macho women and feminine men? Lets make BSA co-ed! That should take care of that. Then let's dumb down the program so even the children of the alcoholic village idiot can be successful. Eagle rank, no problem, if you show up, you will get it. BSA is open to anyone of either gender, any race, any religion or lack thereof.


I'd break out my guitar at this point and start playing Kum By Ya, but I'm sure someone would be offended.


Stosh :p


Ok, thanks. :cool:

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In California the election organizers did something different this election. They recruited high school kids to work the election. They got community service credit and can also get paid $65-$150. I think is a great experience for the youth and I'm going to encourage our scouts to volunteer during the next election.

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In California the election organizers did something different this election. They recruited high school kids to work the election. They got community service credit and can also get paid $65-$150. I think is a great experience for the youth and I'm going to encourage our scouts to volunteer during the next election.


As long as they don't get paid for doing a Good Turn. ;)


And since it's not political in the sense of supporting one side or the other, they can wear their uniforms and show that upstanding youth are taking part in their civic duty. Sounds good!

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Well, no, no uniform. Election Board has said they don't care one way or the other, but Council has said they'd prefer that Scouts not serve in uniform, since it is not a Scout service project, per se. But they can still volunteer (in mufti) as Poll Volunteers here in MD. SSL hours (Student Service Learning), but no pay. SSL has to be volunteer, not paid. Now, once they turn 18, they are eligible to serve as Election Judge (several different duties), and get a reasonable stipend, minimum wage. The PVs direct traffic, help disabled folk, and give out literature about voting and pass out "I Voted" stickers at the exit. They do not do the registering or voting machine care.

I did get the Election Board to come to Round Table and talk about the voting process and the duties of an Election Judge. Citizenship Merit Badge and all that.. Even got a few new recruits for the service.

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