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Seperation 2nd Principle

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Seperation is the Second principle of Male Paedogogy. This paradigm of separation exists throughout reality.


Skin for leather must be separated from the flesh.

Meat must be separated from the bone.

Wheat must be separated from the chaff.

Juice must be separated from the grape rind.

All minerals must be separated from the earth.

Gasoline must be separated from oil crud(crude).


We live by separating. This physical pattern is also evident in creation where God separated light from darkness, land from water, and living from non-living. God separated man from non-being to being. If this is in the physical then it also exists in the metaphysical.


Separation is pattern evident in all cosms of reality. This is also a metaphysical reality as well. The Socratic principle of Philosophy is to Define and Divide. (1) This is not only a epistemological precept but a principle of logic; the Paramenidic principle of non-contradiction.


Yves Christian in his book Sex Differences, Modern Biology and the Unisex Fallacy, points out that on the release of testosterone in the fetus brings major changes to it differentiating it from the female fetus. One of the most important changes happens in the brain. Testosterone prevents the growth of the corpus callusum thus keeping the two halves of the brain separate. Whereas in the female brain, the corpus callusm grows thick and big, deeply connecting the two halves of the brain.


As the male brain is separated in the physiological realm, this paradigm of separation is played out in the sociological realm. (The Socratic principle, what goes in the microcosm, so goes the macrocosm and vice-versa.)


In this same book, Yves Christian points out observations of adolescent boys that exhibit aversion toward anything female and/or weak. Boys are drawn to the strong and the powerful. This is not culturally taught but naturally inbred. It is character that naturally exhibits itself.


This Define and Divide principle must become reality for boys. Boys must be separated from the feminine. Seperation is a male paedogogical principle that develops and increases masculinity.


The feminine is marked by softness, luxury, triviality, and gaiety. Men must be separated from these attributes if he is to succeed as a man. He must be divided.


Leon Podles writes:

Males who mature in a biologically normal fashion may still fail to be men. What must be added to male biology is masculinity, which is not a physical, but a cultural and spiritual quality. (2)


He goes on to say:


The boy must achieve masculinity by rejecting the female and differentiating himself from the feminine to which he reverts unless he constantly exerts himselfa reversion which will destroy him as a man. (3)


He continues; writing on the research and work from David Gilmore, an anthropologist from Yale:


A man must give up the state of boyhood, in which he is protected by women, fed by women, and cared by women. So that he may become a protector and provider for women and children. In other words, he must give up being mothered before he can become a father. He must reject the feminine in himself, cultivating a distance from the world of women, so that he can one day return to it, not as a recipient, but as a giver. (4)


If this separation does not occur, he will have problems with his identity as a male. Becoming a man begins with a break with the mother, but continues throughout life with a rejection of the feminine. (5)


He footnotes this section to Irene Fast who claims that there is a pattern of femininity found in men who have not successfully resolved issues of gender differentiation. This unresolved conflict can result in a variety of disorders: extreme misogyny,sado-masochismpassive homosexuality and to pedophilia. (6)


He quotes Margaret Mead: The boy learns that he must make an effort to enter the world of men, that this first act of differentiating himself from his mother, of realizing his own body as his and different from hers, must be continued in long years of effortwhich may not succeed. (7)


It is clear from several studies, that boys must be separated from the feminine or else pathology sets in. The boy must be put into a mans world to learn his part.


A boy must be surrounded by the hard. He must become hard himself. Why? Nature requires this. Life and death permeate nature. Nature kills off the weak and the sick. It is the same for human communities. This is not the error of Nazism that saw this principle of nature as something physical requirement but since man is a metaphysical creature, both body and soul, this principle of nature extends also not only into the physical but also the spiritual as morality and virtue. A man must be strong both physically, mentally and spiritually.


His reasoning must be separated from feminine thinking; His objects of thought must be turned to the essences of reality away from the feminine trivialities and superficialities, His life must be simple separated from feminine luxury, and he must be serious separated from the feminine gaiety.


What society does is accentuate the positive and represses the negative. This feeling of separation in many of the primitive cultures that Lord Baden-Powell saw and in other warrior cultures is positively reinforced as puberty rituals and other measures because societies need men as men. Nature dictates so.


Boys are born with an art. The art of reasoning. This is due to the shrinkage of the corpus callusum. The art of strength. He is born with greater upper body strength and longer legs. What separation from the feminine does, is sharpen and perfect this, physical and mental art inherent in the male. Seperation increases the act and art of being a man.


Separation is the 2nd principle of male paedogogy. The First principle is to define and the second principle is to divide. What male paedogogy does is increase and perfect the act and art of being a man. Human beings are the weakest physically of the animals. The only way he survives and wins in Nature is by the use of his intellect. This guarantees the survival of both men women and children of his tribe.



(1) Platos Republic, B. Jowett, M.A., Vintage Books, NY. Sec 454; pg 174.


(2) The Church Impotent, The Feminization of Christianity, by Leon Podles, Spence Publishing Company, Dallas, TX 1999.

Pg 39. The title is a play on words. In Roman Catholic theology there is three parts of the church: The Church Militant here on earth; the Church Suffering in purgatory; and the Church Triumphant in Heaven. Mr. Podles is making a play on words: instead of the Church Militant it is really the Church Impotent and I happen to heartily agree.


(3) Ibid.


(4) Ibid, pg 43.


(5) Ibid, pg 40.


(6) Ibid, pg 222-223.


(7) Ibid, pg 223.

(This message has been edited by WHEELER)

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