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Arrowhead and Trained Strip

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I'm returning to commissioner service, and while putting together a uniform a question occurred to me. Why do we wear the "trained Strip" with the "Commissioner's Arrowhead Honor", being trained is a requirement for the arrowhead honor after all.


Anyone have any thoughts on this?

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I don't know why, but as a Commissioner, I totally agree with you.


Someone once told me that once you earn the arrowhead, as long as you are still a Commissioner and have that position patch on your uniform, you may wear the arrowhead. For instance, I earned my Arrowhead as a UC, and I still wear it as an ADC, and went through different training for that position and was "awarded" another trained strip to add to my collection....maybe that is why?

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Probably because the people in units you serve have no idea what the arrowhead entails. Being trained is part of the Scoutmaster's Key and the Leader's Training Award, but we don't remove the Trained patch after earning those, either.

I do wonder if they'll get rid of the Trained strip as 100% training goes into effect as a condition of registration/recharter (but I imagine that's a subject for a new thread).

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