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There once was a very wise and learned medicine man. He had the reputation of being the wisest and most clever of all medicine men the tribe had known.


One day a young brave built a trap and captured a young quail. He approached the medicine man, carrying the quail behind his back. The young brave planned to trick the medicine man, and make him a fool. He asked, "Do you know what Im holding behind my back?"


Having observed the brave preparing his trap, the medicine man replied, "Youre holding a small bird."


The young braves plan was to next ask if the bird was alive or dead. If the medicine man replied dead, he would simply show that the bird was alive. If the medicine man replied alive, he would close his fist and kill the bird.


So he asked the medicine man, "Is the bird alive or dead?"


The medicine man replied, The answer to that question lies in your heart. You control the future of that which you have imprisoned.


You also control your own future, and only you control which direction you will take. Your biggest responsibility in life is to make wise choices.


The future lies in your hands. Now, go and make a wise choice.

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